Finite-Time Fuzzy Control of Nonlinear Jump Systems With Time Delays Via Dynamic Observer-Based State Feedback S He, F Liu IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems 20 (4), 605-614, 2011 | 219 | 2011 |
Asynchronous fault detection for interval type-2 fuzzy nonhomogeneous higher level Markov jump systems with uncertain transition probabilities X Zhang, H Wang, V Stojanovic, P Cheng, S He, X Luan, F Liu IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems 30 (7), 2487-2499, 2021 | 211 | 2021 |
Finite-Time L2-Gain Asynchronous Control for Continuous-Time Positive Hidden Markov Jump Systems via T–S Fuzzy Model Approach C Ren, S He, X Luan, F Liu, HR Karimi IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics 51 (1), 77-87, 2020 | 182 | 2020 |
Adaptive optimal control for a class of nonlinear systems: The online policy iteration approach S He, H Fang, M Zhang, F Liu, Z Ding IEEE transactions on neural networks and learning systems 31 (2), 549-558, 2019 | 175 | 2019 |
Fuzzy fault detection for Markov jump systems with partly accessible hidden information: An event-triggered approach P Cheng, S He, V Stojanovic, X Luan, F Liu IEEE transactions on cybernetics 52 (8), 7352-7361, 2021 | 173 | 2021 |
Asynchronous fault detection observer for 2-D Markov jump systems P Cheng, H Wang, V Stojanovic, S He, K Shi, X Luan, F Liu, C Sun IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics 52 (12), 13623-13634, 2021 | 169 | 2021 |
Online reinforcement learning multiplayer non-zero sum games of continuous-time Markov jump linear systems X Xin, Y Tu, V Stojanovic, H Wang, K Shi, S He, T Pan Applied Mathematics and Computation 412, 126537, 2022 | 167 | 2022 |
Finite-region asynchronous H∞ control for 2D Markov jump systems P Cheng, S He, X Luan, F Liu Automatica 129, 109590, 2021 | 152 | 2021 |
Robust finite-time bounded controller design of time-delay conic nonlinear systems using sliding mode control strategy S He, J Song, F Liu IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics: Systems 48 (11), 1863-1873, 2017 | 131 | 2017 |
State and parameter joint estimation of linear stochastic systems in presence of faults and non‐Gaussian noises V Stojanovic, S He, B Zhang International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control 30 (16), 6683-6700, 2020 | 126 | 2020 |
Asynchronous output feedback control for a class of conic-type nonlinear hidden Markov jump systems within a finite-time interval P Cheng, S He, J Cheng, X Luan, F Liu IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics: Systems 51 (12), 7644-7651, 2020 | 112 | 2020 |
Observer-based asynchronous fault detection for conic-type nonlinear jumping systems and its application to separately excited DC motor P Cheng, J Wang, S He, X Luan, F Liu IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems I: Regular Papers 67 (3), 951-962, 2019 | 111 | 2019 |
Adaptive optimization algorithm for nonlinear Markov jump systems with partial unknown dynamics H Fang, G Zhu, V Stojanovic, R Nie, S He, X Luan, F Liu International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control 31 (6), 2126-2140, 2021 | 107 | 2021 |
Robust peak-to-peak filtering for Markov jump systems S He, F Liu Signal processing 90 (2), 513-522, 2010 | 107 | 2010 |
Asynchronous fault detection filtering for piecewise homogenous Markov jump linear systems via a dual hidden Markov model P Cheng, M Chen, V Stojanovic, S He Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing 151, 107353, 2021 | 106 | 2021 |
Periodic event-triggered terminal sliding mode speed control for networked PMSM system: A GA-optimized extended state observer approach J Song, YK Wang, Y Niu, HK Lam, S He, H Liu IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics 27 (5), 4153-4164, 2022 | 103 | 2022 |
Finite-time resilient controller design of a class of uncertain nonlinear systems with time-delays under asynchronous switching S He, Q Ai, C Ren, J Dong, F Liu IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics: Systems 49 (2), 281-286, 2018 | 103 | 2018 |
Robust H∞ Sliding Mode Controller Design of a Class of Time-Delayed Discrete Conic-Type Nonlinear Systems S He, W Lyu, F Liu IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics: Systems 51 (2), 885-892, 2018 | 101 | 2018 |
Finite-time asynchronous dissipative filtering of conic-type nonlinear Markov jump systems X Zhang, S He, V Stojanovic, X Luan, F Liu Science China Information Sciences 64 (5), 152206, 2021 | 97 | 2021 |
Dissipativity-based finite-time asynchronous output feedback control for wind turbine system via a hidden Markov model P Cheng, H Wang, V Stojanovic, F Liu, S He, K Shi International Journal of Systems Science 53 (15), 3177-3189, 2022 | 96 | 2022 |