YiFei Dong
Cited by
Cited by
Automatic collection of fuel prices from a network of mobile cameras
YF Dong, S Kanhere, CT Chou, N Bulusu
Distributed Computing in Sensor Systems: 4th IEEE International Conference …, 2008
Statistical reliability for energy efficient data transport in wireless sensor networks
Z Rosberg, RP Liu, TL Dinh, YF Dong, S Jha
Wireless Networks 16, 1913-1927, 2010
Participatory sensing in commerce: Using mobile camera phones to track market price dispersion
N Bulusu, CT Chou, S Kanhere, Y Dong, S Sehgal, D Sullivan, L Blazeski
Proceedings of the international workshop on urban, community, and social …, 2008
Overcoming radio link asymmetry in wireless sensor networks
RP Liu, Z Rosberg, IB Collings, C Wilson, AY Dong, S Jha
2008 IEEE 19th International Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio …, 2008
Long‐term subsidence in Mexico City from 2004 to 2018 revealed by five synthetic aperture radar sensors
Z Du, L Ge, AHM Ng, Q Zhu, Q Zhang, J Kuang, Y Dong
Land Degradation & Development 30 (15), 1785-1801, 2019
Automatic image capturing and processing for petrolwatch
YF Dong, S Kanhere, CT Chou, RP Liu
2011 17th IEEE International Conference on Networks, 236-240, 2011
Detection and tracking using wireless sensor networks
N Ahmed, Y Dong, T Bokareva, S Kanhere, S Jha, T Bessell, M Rutten, ...
Proceedings of the 5th international conference on Embedded networked sensor …, 2007
Towards Web3 applications: Easing the access and transition
G Yu, X Wang, Q Wang, T Bi, Y Dong, RP Liu, N Georgalas, A Reeves
arXiv preprint arXiv:2210.05903, 2022
Performance evaluation of a wireless sensor network based tracking system
N Ahmed, Y Dong, SS Kanhere, S Jha, M Rutten, T Bessell, N Gordon
2008 5th IEEE International Conference on Mobile Ad Hoc and Sensor Systems …, 2008
Petrolwatch: Using mobile phones for sharing petrol prices
YF Dong, L Blazeski, D Sullivan, S Kanhere, CT Chou, N Bulusu
The 7th Annual International Conference on Mobile Systems, Applications and …, 2009
Understanding student emotions when completing assessment: technological, teacher and student perspectives
N Hopwood, TA Palmer, GA Koh, MY Lai, Y Dong, S Loch, K Yu
International Journal of Research & Method in Education, 1-16, 2024
ACGAN-GNNExplainer: Auxiliary Conditional Generative Explainer for Graph Neural Networks
Y Li, J Zhou, Y Dong, N Shafiabady, F Chen
Proceedings of the 32nd ACM International Conference on Information and …, 2023
Quantitative, Near Real-Time Mapping of Bushfires Through Integration of Optical and SAR Remote Sensing Techniques
L Ge, Y Wang, Q Zhang, Z Du, C Liu, Y Dong, T Sleigh, T Guo, X Lei, Z Ma
2021 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium IGARSS, 455-458, 2021
Implementation aspects of reliable transport protocols in wireless sensor networks
T Le, YF Dong, R Liu, S Jha, Z Rosberg
2008 3rd International Conference on Communication Systems Software and …, 2008
Petrolwatch: a participatory image sensing system for automated street level information collection
Y Dong
UNSW Sydney, 2012
Simulation studies of reliable data delivery protocols
YF Dong, R Liu
CSIRO ICT Centre, 2007
Outlier detection by weighted mercer-kernel based fuzzy clustering algorithm
H Shen, J Yang, D YiFei, S Wang
Iranian Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering 4 (2), 129-136, 2005
Chain of Thought Prompting in Vision-Language Model for Vision Reasoning Tasks
J Ou, J Zhou, Y Dong, F Chen
Australasian Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 298-311, 2024
Context Assisted Automatic Fuel Price Collection in Mobile Phone based Participatory Sensor Networks
YF Dong, RP Liu, S Kanhere, CT Chou
proceeding of Fifth International Conference on Intelligent Sensors, Sensor …, 2009
Performing clustering analysis on collaborative models
H Shen, J Yang, NJ Chen, Y Dong, S Wang
Intelligent Data Analysis 9, 419-438, 2005
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Articles 1–20