Moriba Jah, Ph.D.
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Cited by
Entropy-based approach for uncertainty propagation of nonlinear dynamical systems
KJ DeMars, RH Bishop, MK Jah
Journal of Guidance, Control, and Dynamics 36 (4), 1047-1057, 2013
Probabilistic initial orbit determination using gaussian mixture models
KJ DeMars, MK Jah
Journal of Guidance, Control, and Dynamics 36 (5), 1324-1335, 2013
Initial orbit determination using short-arc angle and angle rate data
KJ DeMars, MK Jah, PW Schumacher
IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems 48 (3), 2628-2637, 2012
Space object shape characterization and tracking using light curve and angles data
R Linares, MK Jah, JL Crassidis, CK Nebelecky
Journal of Guidance, Control, and Dynamics 37 (1), 13-25, 2014
Attitude determination from light curves
CJ Wetterer, M Jah
Journal of Guidance, Control, and Dynamics 32 (5), 1648-1651, 2009
Collision probability with Gaussian mixture orbit uncertainty
KJ DeMars, Y Cheng, MK Jah
Journal of Guidance, Control, and Dynamics 37 (3), 979-985, 2014
The case for space environmentalism
A Lawrence, ML Rawls, M Jah, A Boley, F Di Vruno, S Garrington, ...
Nature Astronomy 6 (4), 428-435, 2022
Coupled orbit-attitude dynamics of high area-to-mass ratio (HAMR) objects: influence of solar radiation pressure, Earth’s shadow and the visibility in light curves
C Früh, TM Kelecy, MK Jah
Celestial Mechanics and Dynamical Astronomy 117, 385-404, 2013
An approach for nonlinear uncertainty propagation: Application to orbital mechanics
D Giza, P Singla, M Jah
AIAA Guidance, Navigation, and Control Conference, 6082, 2009
Detection and orbit determination of a satellite executing low thrust maneuvers
T Kelecy, M Jah
Acta Astronautica 66 (5-6), 798-809, 2010
Nonlinear uncertainty propagation for perturbed two-body orbits
K Vishwajeet, P Singla, M Jah
Journal of Guidance, Control, and Dynamics 37 (5), 1415-1425, 2014
Astrometric and photometric data fusion for inactive space object mass and area estimation
R Linares, MK Jah, JL Crassidis, FA Leve, T Kelecy
Acta Astronautica 99, 1-15, 2014
Impact of satellite constellations on optical astronomy and recommendations toward mitigations
C Walker, J Hall, L Allen, R Green, P Seitzer, T Tyson, A Bauer, K Krafton, ...
Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society 52 (2), 2020
Multiple-object space surveillance tracking using finite-set statistics
KJ DeMars, II Hussein, C Frueh, MK Jah, R Scott Erwin
Journal of Guidance, Control, and Dynamics 38 (9), 1741-1756, 2015
Refining space object radiation pressure modeling with bidirectional reflectance distribution functions
CJ Wetterer, R Linares, JL Crassidis, TM Kelecy, MK Ziebart, MK Jah, ...
Journal of Guidance, Control, and Dynamics 37 (1), 185-196, 2014
Satellite characterization: angles and light curve data fusion for spacecraft state and parameter estimation
M Jah, RA Madler
Proceedings of the advanced Maui optical and space surveillance technologies …, 2007
Challenges and potential in space domain awareness
MJ Holzinger, MK Jah
Journal of Guidance, Control, and Dynamics 41 (1), 15-18, 2018
Astrometric and Photometric Data Fusion for Resident Space Object Orbit, Attitude, and Shape Determination Via Multiple-Model Adaptive Estimation
R Linares, JL Crassidis, MK Jah, H Kim
& Proceedings 저널· 프로시딩즈| 기술보고서| 해외연구초록| Reference DB| 공학 …, 2010
Mars Network Constellation Design Drivers and Strategies
TA Ely, R Anderson, YE Bar-Sever, D Bell, J Guinn, M Jah, P Kallemeyn, ...
AAS99-301, 1999
Unscented schmidt–kalman filter algorithm
J Stauch, M Jah
Journal of Guidance, Control, and Dynamics 38 (1), 117-123, 2015
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Articles 1–20