Hot exciton dissociation in polymer solar cells G Grancini, M Maiuri, D Fazzi, A Petrozza, HJ Egelhaaf, D Brida, ... Nature materials 12 (1), 29-33, 2013 | 777 | 2013 |
Optical bandgaps of π‐conjugated organic materials at the polymer limit: experiment and theory J Gierschner, J Cornil, HJ Egelhaaf Advanced materials 19 (2), 173-191, 2007 | 698 | 2007 |
Renewed prospects for organic photovoltaics G Zhang, FR Lin, F Qi, T Heumüller, A Distler, HJ Egelhaaf, N Li, ... Chemical Reviews 122 (18), 14180-14274, 2022 | 629 | 2022 |
Luminescence and nonradiative deactivation of excited states involving oxygen defect centers in polycrystalline ZnO HJ Egelhaaf, D Oelkrug Journal of crystal growth 161 (1-4), 190-194, 1996 | 412 | 1996 |
Influence of the bridging atom on the performance of a low-bandgap bulk heterojunction solar cell MC Scharber, M Koppe, J Gao, F Cordella, MA Loi, P Denk, M Morana, ... Advanced materials 22 (3), 367, 2010 | 406 | 2010 |
Tuning of fluorescence in films and nanoparticles of oligophenylenevinylenes D Oelkrug, A Tompert, J Gierschner, HJ Egelhaaf, M Hanack, M Hohloch, ... The Journal of Physical Chemistry B 102 (11), 1902-1907, 1998 | 386 | 1998 |
Near IR sensitization of organic bulk heterojunction solar cells: towards optimization of the spectral response of organic solar cells M Koppe, HJ Egelhaaf, G Dennler, MC Scharber, CJ Brabec, P Schilinsky, ... Advanced Functional Materials 20 (2), 338-346, 2010 | 369 | 2010 |
Photodegradation of P3HT− a systematic study of environmental factors H Hintz, HJ Egelhaaf, L Lüer, J Hauch, H Peisert, T Chassé Chemistry of Materials 23 (2), 145-154, 2011 | 314 | 2011 |
Solar trees: first large‐scale demonstration of fully solution coated, semitransparent, flexible organic photovoltaic modules S Berny, N Blouin, A Distler, HJ Egelhaaf, M Krompiec, A Lohr, ... Advanced Science 3 (5), 1500342, 2015 | 298 | 2015 |
Highly Emissive H-Aggregates or Aggregation-Induced Emission Quenching? The Photophysics of All-Trans para-Distyrylbenzene J Gierschner, L Lüer, B Milián-Medina, D Oelkrug, HJ Egelhaaf The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters 4 (16), 2686-2697, 2013 | 291 | 2013 |
Reversible and irreversible degradation of organic solar cell performance by oxygen A Seemann, T Sauermann, C Lungenschmied, O Armbruster, S Bauer, ... Solar Energy 85 (6), 1238-1249, 2011 | 286 | 2011 |
Morphological and electrical control of fullerene dimerization determines organic photovoltaic stability T Heumueller, WR Mateker, A Distler, UF Fritze, R Cheacharoen, ... Energy & Environmental Science 9 (1), 247-256, 2016 | 263 | 2016 |
Burn‐in Free Nonfullerene‐Based Organic Solar Cells N Gasparini, M Salvador, S Strohm, T Heumueller, I Levchuk, ... Advanced Energy Materials 7 (19), 1700770, 2017 | 250 | 2017 |
The effect of PCBM dimerization on the performance of bulk heterojunction solar cells A Distler, T Sauermann, HJ Egelhaaf, S Rodman, D Waller, KS Cheon, ... Advanced Energy Materials 4 (1), 1300693, 2014 | 238 | 2014 |
High-performance ternary organic solar cells with thick active layer exceeding 11% efficiency N Gasparini, L Lucera, M Salvador, M Prosa, GD Spyropoulos, P Kubis, ... Energy & Environmental Science 10 (4), 885-892, 2017 | 227 | 2017 |
Nanomorphology and charge generation in bulk heterojunctions based on low‐bandgap dithiophene polymers with different bridging atoms M Morana, H Azimi, G Dennler, HJ Egelhaaf, M Scharber, K Forberich, ... Advanced Functional Materials 20 (7), 1180-1188, 2010 | 219 | 2010 |
Structural correlations in the generation of polaron pairs in low-bandgap polymers for photovoltaics R Tautz, E Da Como, T Limmer, J Feldmann, HJ Egelhaaf, E Von Hauff, ... Nature communications 3 (1), 970, 2012 | 217 | 2012 |
Solid-state optical properties of linear polyconjugated molecules: π-stack contra herringbone J Gierschner, M Ehni, HJ Egelhaaf, B Milián Medina, D Beljonne, ... The Journal of chemical physics 123 (14), 2005 | 216 | 2005 |
Electronic deactivation in single chains, nano-aggregates and ultrathin films of conjugated oligomers D Oelkrag, HJ Egelhaaf, J Gierschner, A Tompert Synthetic metals 76 (1-3), 249-253, 1996 | 197 | 1996 |
Highly efficient, large area, roll coated flexible and rigid OPV modules with geometric fill factors up to 98.5% processed with commercially available materials L Lucera, F Machui, P Kubis, HD Schmidt, J Adams, S Strohm, T Ahmad, ... Energy & Environmental Science 9 (1), 89-94, 2016 | 190 | 2016 |