Qing Zhao
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Zitiert von
A survey of dynamic spectrum access
Q Zhao, BM Sadler
IEEE signal processing magazine 24 (3), 79-89, 2007
Decentralized cognitive MAC for opportunistic spectrum access in ad hoc networks: A POMDP framework
Q Zhao, L Tong, A Swami, Y Chen
IEEE Journal on selected areas in communications 25 (3), 589-600, 2007
On the lifetime of wireless sensor networks
Y Chen, Q Zhao
IEEE Communications letters 9 (11), 976-978, 2005
Joint design and separation principle for opportunistic spectrum access in the presence of sensing errors
Y Chen, Q Zhao, A Swami
IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 54 (5), 2053-2071, 2008
Distributed learning in multi-armed bandit with multiple players
K Liu, Q Zhao
IEEE transactions on signal processing 58 (11), 5667-5681, 2010
Sensor networks with mobile agents
L Tong, Q Zhao, S Adireddy
IEEE Military Communications Conference, 2003. MILCOM 2003. 1, 688-693, 2003
Decentralized cognitive MAC for dynamic spectrum access
Q Zhao, L Tong, A Swami
First IEEE International Symposium on New Frontiers in Dynamic Spectrum …, 2005
On myopic sensing for multi-channel opportunistic access: structure, optimality, and performance
Q Zhao, B Krishnamachari, K Liu
IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications 7 (12), 5431-5440, 2008
Optimality of myopic sensing in multichannel opportunistic access
SHA Ahmad, M Liu, T Javidi, Q Zhao, B Krishnamachari
IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 55 (9), 4040-4050, 2009
Indexability of restless bandit problems and optimality of whittle index for dynamic multichannel access
K Liu, Q Zhao
IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 56 (11), 5547-5567, 2010
Multipacket reception in random access wireless networks: From signal processing to optimal medium access control
L Tong, Q Zhao, G Mergen
IEEE Communications Magazine 39 (11), 108-112, 2001
A survey of dynamic spectrum access: Signal processing and networking perspectives
Q Zhao, A Swami
2007 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal …, 2007
Wireless sensor networks: signal processing and communications perspectives
A Swami, Q Zhao, YW Hong, L Tong
John Wiley & Sons, 2007
Distributed spectrum sensing and access in cognitive radio networks with energy constraint
Y Chen, Q Zhao, A Swami
IEEE transactions on signal processing 57 (2), 783-797, 2008
Decentralized dynamic spectrum access for cognitive radios: Cooperative design of a non-cooperative game
M Maskery, V Krishnamurthy, Q Zhao
IEEE Transactions on Communications 57 (2), 459-469, 2009
A decision-theoretic framework for opportunistic spectrum access
Q Zhao, A Swami
IEEE Wireless Communications 14 (4), 14-20, 2007
Learning in a changing world: Restless multiarmed bandit with unknown dynamics
H Liu, K Liu, Q Zhao
IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 59 (3), 1902-1916, 2012
A multiqueue service room MAC protocol for wireless networks with multipacket reception
Q Zhao, L Tong
IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking 11 (1), 125-137, 2003
Power control in cognitive radio networks: How to cross a multi-lane highway
W Ren, Q Zhao, A Swami
IEEE journal on selected areas in communications 27 (7), 1283-1296, 2009
Consensus, polarization and clustering of opinions in social networks
L Li, A Scaglione, A Swami, Q Zhao
IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications 31 (6), 1072-1083, 2013
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