Guang Chen
Guang Chen
Research Scientist, SRI International
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Cited by
Detection evolution with multi-order contextual co-occurrence
G Chen, Y Ding, J Xiao, TX Han
Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern …, 2013
Gen-lanenet: A generalized and scalable approach for 3d lane detection
Y Guo, G Chen, P Zhao, W Zhang, J Miao, J Wang, TE Choe
Computer Vision–ECCV 2020: 16th European Conference, Glasgow, UK, August 23 …, 2020
Large-scale visual font recognition
G Chen, J Yang, H Jin, J Brandt, E Shechtman, A Agarwala, TX Han
Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern …, 2014
Generation of visual pattern classes for visual pattern recognition
J Yang, G Chen, H Jin, J Brandt, E Shechtman, AO Agarwala
US Patent 9,524,449, 2016
Selective pooling vector for fine-grained recognition
G Chen, J Yang, H Jin, E Shechtman, J Brandt, TX Han
2015 IEEE Winter conference on applications of computer vision, 860-867, 2015
Global classifier with local adaption for objection detection
G Chen, Y Ding, J Xiao
US Patent 8,842,883, 2014
Generating a hierarchy of visual pattern classes
J Yang, G Chen, H Jin, J Brandt, E Shechtman
US Patent 9,053,392, 2015
Visual pattern recognition in an image
J Yang, G Chen, J Brandt, H Jin, E Shechtman, AO Agarwala
US Patent 9,141,885, 2015
Generation of visual pattern classes for visual pattern regonition
J Yang, G Chen, H Jin, J Brandt, E Shechtman, AO Agarwala
US Patent App. 15/349,876, 2017
Method for detecting closest in-path object (CIPO) for autonomous driving
TE Choe, Y Guo, G Chen, W Zhang, KW Tsoi
US Patent 10,915,766, 2021
Detector evolution with multi-order contextual co-occurrence
J Xiao, Y Ding, G Chen
US Patent 9,053,367, 2015
Adapting an object detector by considering the worst case: A conservative approach
G Chen, TX Han, S Lao
CVPR 2011, 1369-1376, 2011
Determining vanishing points based on lane lines
Y Guo, TE Choe, KW Tsoi, G Chen, W Zhang
US Patent 11,227,167, 2022
Method for determining anchor boxes for training neural network object detection models for autonomous driving
KW Tsoi, TE Choe, Y Guo, G Chen, W Zhang
US Patent 11,055,540, 2021
Representing vanishing points using relative distances
Y Guo, TE Choe, KW Tsoi, G Chen, W Zhang
US Patent 10,818,035, 2020
Determining vanishing points based on feature maps
Y Guo, TE Choe, KW Tsoi, G Chen, W Zhang
US Patent 11,120,566, 2021
Lane post-processing in an autonomous driving vehicle
J Zhu, TE Choe, G Chen, W Zhang
US Patent 10,860,868, 2020
Image-text dual model for small-sample image classification
F Zhu, X Li, Z Ma, G Chen, P Peng, X Guo, JT Chien, J Guo
Computer Vision: Second CCF Chinese Conference, CCCV 2017, Tianjin, China …, 2017
PRIS at TREC 2010 Blog Track: Faceted Blog Distillaton.
S Li, Y Li, J Zhang, J Guan, X Sun, W Xu, G Chen, J Guo
TREC, 2010
PRIS at 2009 Relevance Feedback Track: Experiments in Language Model for Relevance Feedback.
S Li, X Li, H Zhang, S Gao, G Chen, J Guo
TREC, 2009
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Articles 1–20