Marco F. Duarte
Marco F. Duarte
Associate Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Massachusetts Amherst
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Single-pixel imaging via compressive sampling
MF Duarte, MA Davenport, D Takhar, JN Laska, T Sun, KF Kelly, ...
IEEE Signal Processing Magazine 25 (2), 83-91, 2008
Model-based compressive sensing
RG Baraniuk, V Cevher, MF Duarte, C Hegde
IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 56 (4), 1982-2001, 2010
Beyond Nyquist: Efficient sampling of sparse bandlimited signals
JA Tropp, JN Laska, MF Duarte, JK Romberg, RG Baraniuk
IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 56 (1), 520-544, 2010
Structured compressed sensing: From theory to applications
MF Duarte, YC Eldar
IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing 59 (9), 4053-4085, 2011
Distributed compressive sensing
D Baron, MF Duarte, MB Wakin, S Sarvotham, RG Baraniuk
arXiv preprint arXiv:0901.3403, 2009
Explainable machine learning for scientific insights and discoveries
R Roscher, B Bohn, MF Duarte, J Garcke
IEEE Access 8, 42200-42216, 2020
A new compressive imaging camera architecture using optical-domain compression
D Takhar, JN Laska, MB Wakin, MF Duarte, D Baron, S Sarvotham, ...
Computational Imaging IV at SPIE Electronic Imaging, 43-52, 2006
Introduction to compressed sensing
MA Davenport, MF Duarte, YC Eldar, G Kutyniok
Compressed Sensing: Theory and Applications, 556 pages, 2011
Distributed compressed sensing of jointly sparse signals
MF Duarte, S Sarvotham, D Baron, MB Wakin, RG Baraniuk
Asilomar Conf. Signals, Sys., Comput, 1537-1541, 2005
Vehicle classification in distributed sensor networks
MF Duarte, Y Hen Hu
Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing 64 (7), 826-838, 2004
Kronecker compressive sensing
MF Duarte, RG Baraniuk
IEEE Trans. Image Processing 21 (2), 494-504, 2012
Analog-to-information conversion via random demodulation
S Kirolos, J Laska, M Wakin, M Duarte, D Baron, T Ragheb, Y Massoud, ...
IEEE Dallas/CAS Workshop on Design, Applications, Integration and Software …, 2006
Theory and implementation of an analog-to-information converter using random demodulation
JN Laska, S Kirolos, MF Duarte, TS Ragheb, RG Baraniuk, Y Massoud
IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS), 1959-1962, 2007
Spectral compressive sensing
MF Duarte, RG Baraniuk
Applied and Computational Harmonic Analysis 35 (1), 111-129, 2013
An architecture for compressive imaging
MB Wakin, JN Laska, MF Duarte, D Baron, S Sarvotham, D Takhar, ...
IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP), 1273-1276, 2006
Compressive sensing for background subtraction
V Cevher, A Sankaranarayanan, MF Duarte, D Reddy, RG Baraniuk, ...
European Conference on Computer Vision (ECCV), 155-168, 2008
Random filters for compressive sampling and reconstruction
JA Tropp, MB Wakin, MF Duarte, D Baron, RG Baraniuk
IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing …, 2006
The smashed filter for compressive classification and target recognition
MA Davenport, MF Duarte, MB Wakin, JN Laska, D Takhar, KF Kelly, ...
Computational Imaging V at SPIE Electronic Imaging, 2007
Compressive imaging for video representation and coding
M Wakin, J Laska, M Duarte, D Baron, S Sarvotham, D Takhar, K Kelly, ...
Picture Coding Symposium (PCS), 2006
Sparse signal detection from incoherent projections
MF Duarte, MA Davenport, MB Wakin, RG Baraniuk
IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing …, 2006
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