Seidel, Helmut
Seidel, Helmut
Professor für Mikromechanik, Mikrofluidik/Mikroaktorik, Saarland University
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Anisotropic etching of crystalline silicon in alkaline solutions I. Orientation dependence and behavior of passivation layers
H Seidel, L Csepregi, A Heuberger, H Baumgärtel
Journal of the Electrochemical Society 137 (11), 3612-3626, 1990
Anisotropic etching of cristalline silicon in alkaline solutions. II. Influence of dopants
H Seidel, L Csepregi, A Heuberger, H Baumgärtel
J. Electrochem. Soc 137 (11), 3626-3632, 1990
Micromechanical structure
W Kroy, H Seidel, E Dette, M Koniger, P Deimel, F Binder, R Hilpert
US Patent 5,252,294, 1993
The influence of sputter deposition parameters on piezoelectric and mechanical properties of AlN thin films
A Ababneh, U Schmid, J Hernando, JL Sánchez-Rojas, H Seidel
Materials Science and Engineering: B 172 (3), 253-258, 2010
Resonant accelerometer with self-test
M Aikele, K Bauer, W Ficker, F Neubauer, U Prechtel, J Schalk, H Seidel
Sensors and Actuators A: Physical 92 (1-3), 161-167, 2001
Capacitive silicon accelerometer with highly symmetrical design
H Seidel, H Riedel, R Kolbeck, G Mück, W Kupke, M Königer
Sensors and Actuators A: Physical 21 (1-3), 312-315, 1990
A silicon microvalve with combined electromagnetic/electrostatic actuation
D Bosch, B Heimhofer, G Mück, H Seidel, U Thumser, W Welser
Sensors and Actuators A: Physical 37, 684-692, 1993
Micromechanical actuator
D Bosch, H Seidel, G Muck
US Patent 5,322,258, 1994
X‐Ray Investigation of Boron‐and Germanium‐Doped Silicon Epitaxial Layers
HJ Herzog, L Csepregi, H Seidel
Journal of the Electrochemical Society 131 (12), 2969, 1984
The mechanism of anisotropic silicon etching and its relevance for micromachining
H Seidel
Research and Development. Technical-Scientific Publications (1956-1987 …, 1987
Silicon angular rate sensor for automotive applications with piezoelectric drive and piezoresistive read-out
R Voss, K Bauer, W Ficker, T Gleissner, W Kupke, M Rose, S Sassen, ...
Proceedings of International Solid State Sensors and Actuators Conference …, 1997
Power MEMS—A capacitive vibration-to-electrical energy converter with built-in voltage
I Kuehne, A Frey, D Marinkovic, G Eckstein, H Seidel
Sensors and Actuators A: Physical 142 (1), 263-269, 2008
Modal optimization and filtering in piezoelectric microplate resonators
JL Sanchez-Rojas, J Hernando, A Donoso, JC Bellido, T Manzaneque, ...
Journal of micromechanics and microengineering 20 (5), 055027, 2010
A piezoresistive silicon accelerometer with monolithically integrated CMOS-circuitry
H Seidel, U Fritsch, R Gottinger, J Schalk, J Walter, K Ambaum
Proceedings of the International Solid-State Sensors and Actuators …, 1995
A new approach for MEMS power generation based on a piezoelectric diaphragm
I Kuehne, D Marinkovic, G Eckstein, H Seidel
Sensors & Actuators: A. Physical 142 (1), 292-297, 2008
Application of quartz tuning forks and extensional microresonators for viscosity and density measurements in oil/fuel mixtures
J Toledo, T Manzaneque, J Hernando-García, J Vázquez, A Ababneh, ...
Microsystem technologies 20, 945-953, 2014
MEMS gyroscopes as physical unclonable functions
O Willers, C Huth, J Guajardo, H Seidel
Proceedings of the 2016 ACM SIGSAC Conference on Computer and Communications …, 2016
Design optimization for cantilever-type accelerometers
H Seidel, L Csepregi
Sensors and actuators 6 (2), 81-92, 1984
Three-dimensional structuring of silicon for sensor applications
H Seidel, L Csepregi
Sensors and Actuators 4, 455-463, 1983
RF-MEMS switch and phase shifter optimized for W-band
A Stehle, G Georgiev, V Ziegler, B Schoenlinner, U Prechtel, H Seidel, ...
2008 38th European Microwave Conference, 104-107, 2008
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Articles 1–20