Evgueni Polikarpov
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Cited by
Transparent, conductive, and flexible carbon nanotube films and their application in organic light-emitting diodes
D Zhang, K Ryu, X Liu, E Polikarpov, J Ly, ME Tompson, C Zhou
Nano letters 6 (9), 1880-1886, 2006
Relationship between the ionization and oxidation potentials of molecular organic semiconductors
BW D’Andrade, S Datta, SR Forrest, P Djurovich, E Polikarpov, ...
Organic Electronics 6 (1), 11-20, 2005
Selection criteria and screening of potential biomass-derived streams as fuel blendstocks for advanced spark-ignition engines
RL McCormick, G Fioroni, L Fouts, E Christensen, J Yanowitz, ...
SAE International Journal of Fuels and Lubricants 10 (2), 442-460, 2017
OLED fundamentals: materials, devices, and processing of organic light-emitting diodes
DJ Gaspar, E Polikarpov
CRC press, 2015
High efficiency and low roll-off blue phosphorescent organic light-emitting devices using mixed host architecture
N Chopra, JS Swensen, E Polikarpov, L Cosimbescu, F So, ...
Applied Physics Letters 97 (3), 2010
Synthesis and application of 1, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8-hexafluorotetracyanonaphthoquinodimethane (F6-TNAP): a conductivity dopant for organic light-emitting devices
PK Koech, AB Padmaperuma, L Wang, JS Swensen, E Polikarpov, ...
Chemistry of Materials 22 (13), 3926-3932, 2010
Thermal stability of MnBi magnetic materials
J Cui, JP Choi, G Li, E Polikarpov, J Darsell, N Overman, M Olszta, ...
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 26 (6), 064212, 2014
Improved efficiency in blue phosphorescent organic light‐emitting devices using host materials of lower triplet energy than the phosphorescent blue emitter
JS Swensen, E Polikarpov, A Von Ruden, L Wang, LS Sapochak, ...
Advanced Functional Materials 21 (17), 3250-3258, 2011
Effect of composition and heat treatment on MnBi magnetic materials
J Cui, JP Choi, E Polikarpov, ME Bowden, W Xie, G Li, Z Nie, N Zarkevich, ...
Acta Materialia 79, 374-381, 2014
Effect of ball milling and heat treatment process on MnBi powders magnetic properties
W Xie, E Polikarpov, JP Choi, ME Bowden, K Sun, J Cui
Journal of Alloys and Compounds 680, 1-5, 2016
An ambipolar phosphine oxide-based host for high power efficiency blue phosphorescent organic light emitting devices
E Polikarpov, JS Swensen, N Chopra, F So, AB Padmaperuma
Applied Physics Letters 94 (22), 2009
Hydrophobic and moisture-stable metal–organic frameworks
CA Fernandez, SK Nune, HV Annapureddy, LX Dang, BP McGrail, ...
Dalton Transactions 44 (30), 13490-13497, 2015
Phosphine oxide based electron transporting and hole blocking materials for blue electrophosphorescent organic light emitting devices
AL Von Ruden, L Cosimbescu, E Polikarpov, PK Koech, JS Swensen, ...
Chemistry of Materials 22 (20), 5678-5686, 2010
Measuring and predicting the vapor pressure of gasoline containing oxygenates
DJ Gaspar, SD Phillips, E Polikarpov, KO Albrecht, SB Jones, A George, ...
Fuel 243, 630-644, 2019
Screening of potential biomass-derived streams as fuel blendstocks for mixing controlled compression ignition combustion
G Fioroni, L Fouts, J Luecke, D Vardon, N Huq, E Christensen, X Huo, ...
SAE International Journal of Advances and Current Practices in Mobility 1 …, 2019
Highly efficient blue organic light-emitting devices with indium-free transparent anode on flexible substrates
L Wang, JS Swensen, E Polikarpov, DW Matson, CC Bonham, W Bennett, ...
Organic Electronics 11 (9), 1555-1560, 2010
Top ten blendstocks derived from biomass for turbocharged spark ignition engines: bio-blendstocks with potential for highest engine efficiency
DJ Gaspar, BH West, D Ruddy, TJ Wilke, E Polikarpov, TL Alleman, ...
Pacific Northwest National Lab.(PNNL), Richland, WA (United States), 2019
Synthesis and application of pyridine-based ambipolar hosts: Control of charge balance in organic light-emitting devices by chemical structure modification
PK Koech, E Polikarpov, JE Rainbolt, L Cosimbescu, JS Swensen, ...
Organic Letters 12 (23), 5534-5537, 2010
High-efficiency turquoise-blue electrophosphorescence from a Pt (II)-pyridyltriazolate complex in a phosphine oxide host
US Bhansali, E Polikarpov, JS Swensen, WH Chen, H Jia, DJ Gaspar, ...
Applied Physics Letters 95 (23), 2009
Development of MnBi permanent magnet: Neutron diffraction of MnBi powder
J Cui, JP Choi, G Li, E Polikarpov, J Darsell, MJ Kramer, NA Zarkevich, ...
Journal of Applied Physics 115 (17), 2014
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Articles 1–20