Michael Rovatsos
Cited by
Cited by
Using trust for detecting deceitful agents in artificial societies
M Schillo, P Funk, M Rovatsos
Applied Artificial Intelligence 14 (8), 825-848, 2000
Fog orchestration for internet of things services
Z Wen, R Yang, P Garraghan, T Lin, J Xu, M Rovatsos
IEEE Internet Computing 21 (2), 16-24, 2017
Privacy policy negotiation in social media
JM Such, M Rovatsos
ACM Transactions on Autonomous and Adaptive Systems (TAAS) 11 (1), 1-29, 2016
Who can you trust: Dealing with deception
M Schillo, P Funk, M Rovatsos
Proceedings of the Autonomous Agents Workshop on Deception, Fraud and Trust …, 1999
Scaling Up Multiagent Planning: A Best-Response Approach
A Jonsson, M Rovatsos
Twenty-First International Conference on Automated Planning and Scheduling, 2011
Automated agent decomposition for classical planning
M Crosby, M Rovatsos, R Petrick
Proceedings of the International Conference on Automated Planning and …, 2013
A single-agent approach to multiagent planning
M Crosby, A Jonsson, M Rovatsos
ECAI 2014, 237-242, 2014
Social collective intelligence: combining the powers of humans and machines to build a smarter society
D Miorandi, V Maltese, M Rovatsos, A Nijholt, J Stewart
Springer, 2014
Expectation-oriented analysis and design
W Brauer, M Nickles, M Rovatsos, G Weiß, K Lorentzen
Agent-Oriented Software Engineering II, 226-244, 2002
Hierarchical reinforcement learning in communication-mediated multiagent coordination
F Fischer, M Rovatsos, G Weiss
Proceedings of the Third International Joint Conference on Autonomous Agents …, 2004
Ridesharing on timetabled transport services: A multiagent planning approach
J Hrnčíř, M Rovatsos, M Jakob
Journal of Intelligent Transportation Systems 19 (1), 89-105, 2015
Automated norm synthesis in an agent-based planning environment.
GD Christelis, M Rovatsos
AAMAS (1), 161-168, 2009
Agreeing on plans through iterated disputes
A Belesiotis, M Rovatsos, I Rahwan
9th International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems …, 2010
A framework for agent-based distributed machine learning and data mining
J Tozicka, M Rovatsos, M Pechoucek
Proceedings of the 6th international joint conference on Autonomous agents …, 2007
Capturing agent autonomy in roles and XML
G Weiß, M Rovatsos, M Nickles
Proceedings of the second international joint conference on Autonomous …, 2003
Landscape summary: Bias in algorithmic decision-making: What is bias in algorithmic decision-making, how can we identify it, and how can we mitigate it?
M Rovatsos, B Mittelstadt, A Koene
UK Government, 2019
Data mining agent conversations: A qualitative approach to multiagent systems analysis
E Serrano, M Rovatsos, JA Botía
Information Sciences 230, 132-146, 2013
An approach to the analysis and design of multiagent systems based on interaction frames
M Rovatsos, G Weiß, M Wolf
Proceedings of the first international joint conference on Autonomous agents …, 2002
A generative dialogue system for arguing about plans in situation calculus
A Belesiotis, M Rovatsos, I Rahwan
Argumentation in Multi-Agent Systems, 23-41, 2010
Exploiting interaction contexts in p2p ontology mapping
P Besana, D Robertson, M Rovatsos
Proceedings of the second international workshop on peerto-peer knowledge …, 2005
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Articles 1–20