Heinz Brandenburg
Heinz Brandenburg
Senior Lecturer, University of Strathclyde
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Who follows whom? The impact of parties on media agenda formation in the 1997 British general election campaign
H Brandenburg
Harvard International Journal of Press/Politics 7 (3), 34-54, 2002
Political bias in the Irish media: A quantitative study of campaign coverage during the 2002 general election
H Brandenburg
Irish Political Studies 20 (3), 297-322, 2005
Party strategy and media bias: A quantitative analysis of the 2005 UK election campaign
H Brandenburg
Journal of elections, public opinion and parties 16 (2), 157-178, 2006
Trust and citizens’ evaluations of promise keeping by governing parties
R Thomson, H Brandenburg
Political Studies 67 (1), 249-266, 2019
The declining representativeness of the British party system, and why it matters
H Brandenburg, R Johns
Political Studies 62 (4), 704-725, 2014
Pathologies of the virtual public sphere
H Brandenburg
The Internet and politics: Citizens, voters and activists, 207-222, 2006
Pressed into party support? Media influence on partisan attitudes during the 2005 UK general election campaign
H Brandenburg, M Van Egmond
British Journal of Political Science 42 (2), 441-463, 2012
The media and the campaign
H Brandenburg, Z Zalinski
How Ireland Voted 2007: The Full Story of Ireland’s General Election, 167-186, 2008
“SECURITY AT THE SOURCE” Embedding journalists as a superior strategy to military censorship
H Brandenburg
Journalism Studies 8 (6), 948-963, 2007
The Impact of EU Cohesion Policy on European identity: Results from the COHESIFY citizen survey
G Borz, H Brandenburg, C Mendez
The impact of the economic crisis on media framing: evidence from three elections in Ireland
E O’Malley, H Brandenburg, R Flynn, I McMenamin, K Rafter
European Political Science Review 6 (3), 407-426, 2014
Journalists embedded in culture: War stories as political strategy
H Brandenburg
Bring'em on: Media and politics in the Iraq War, 225-238, 2004
When long-distance relationships don't work out: Representational distance and satisfaction with democracy in Europe
M Van Egmond, R Johns, H Brandenburg
Electoral Studies 66, 102182, 2020
What kind of party is the UK Independence party? The future of the extreme right in Britain or just another tory party?
A Widfeldt, H Brandenburg
Political Studies 66 (3), 577-600, 2018
Explaining media framing of election coverage: Bringing in the political context
E O'Malley, H Brandenburg, R Flynn, I McMenamin, K Rafter
Available at SSRN 2189468, 2012
The impact of EU Cohesion Policy on European identity: A comparative analysis of EU regions
G Borz, H Brandenburg, C Mendez
European Union Politics 23 (2), 259-281, 2022
Media and campaign effects on vote choice at national elections in Europe: A review of a multilingual research landscape Medien-und Kampagneneffekte auf Wahlentscheidungen bei …
H Boomgaarden, R Schmitt-Beck, H Brandenburg, C Cunha, ...
Studies in Communication| Media, 2016
Giving voters what they want? Party orientation perceptions and preferences in the British electorate
R Johns, H Brandenburg
Party Politics 20 (1), 89-104, 2014
Manipulating the dimensions. A comparative study of campaign effects on media agenda formation
H Brandenburg
European Consortium for Political Research Joint Sessions of Workshops …, 2004
Agenda Building: A Time-Series Analysis of the Changing Issue Priorities of Parties and Media During the 1997 General Election Campaign in the UK
H Brandenburg
NTNU University Press, 2002
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Articles 1–20