LiGuo Wang
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Cited by
Review of control strategies for wave energy conversion systems and their validation: the wave-to-wire approach
L Wang*, J Isberg, E Tedeschi
Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 81, 366-379, 2018
Advances of drag-reducing surface technologies in turbulence based on boundary layer control
Y Luo, L Wang, G Lork, K Song, L Wang, S Robert
Journal of Hydrodynamics, Ser. B 27 (4), 473-487, 2015
Nonlinear passive control of a wave energy converter subject to constraints in irregular waves
L Wang*, J Isberg
Energies 8 (7), 6528-6542, 2015
Constrained optimal control of a point absorber wave energy converter with linear generator
L Wang*, J Engström, M Göteman, J Isberg
Journal of renewable and sustainable energy 7 (4), 2015
Improving electric power generation of a standalone wave energy converter via optimal electric load control
LG Wang*, MF Lin, E Tedeschi, J Engström, J Isberg
Energy 211, 118945, 2020
Control-informed ballast and geometric optimisation of a three-body hinge-barge wave energy converter using two-layer optimisation
LG Wang, JV Ringwood
Renewable Energy 171, 1159-1170, 2021
Finite-Order hydrodynamic Approximation by Moment-Matching (FOAMM) toolbox for wave energy applications
Y Pena-Sanchez, N Faedo, M Penalba, G Giorgi, A Mérigaud, C Windt, ...
13th European Wave and Tidal Energy Conference, 2019
Towards realistic power performance and techno-economic performance of wave power farms: The impact of control strategies and wave climates
LG Wang*, T Zhao, MF Lin, H Li
Ocean Engineering 248, 110754, 2022
A high-efficiency wave-powered marine observation buoy: Design, analysis, and experimental tests
LG Wang*, H Li, JC Jiang
Energy Conversion and Management 270, 116154, 2022
Geometric optimization of a hinge-barge wave energy converter
L Wang, J Ringwood
13th European Wave and Tidal Energy Conference, 1389, 2019
Coordinated control of wave energy converters subject to motion constraints
L Wang*, J Engström, M Leijon, J Isberg
Energies 9 (6), 475, 2016
Enhanced energy harvesting of wave energy converters in site-specific wave climates: A hybrid approach by geometric shape optimization and power take-off control
LG Wang*, PY Hu, WC Chen, F Feng
Ocean Engineering 257, 111553, 2022
Parametric modelling of a reconfigurable wave energy device
L Papillon, L Wang, N Tom, J Weber, J Ringwood
Ocean Engineering 186, 106105, 2019
Research status of the power take-off system for wave energy converters
L Wang, Y You, Y Zhang, Y Ye
Machine Tool & Hydraulics 41 (1), 165-168, 2013
Improving wave energy conversion performance of a floating BBDB-OWC system by using dual chambers and a novel enhancement plate
WC Chen, WX Xie, YL Zhang, C Wang, LG Wang, LF Huang
Energy Conversion and Management 307, 118332, 2024
Modelling and advanced control of fully coupled wave energy converters subject to constraints: the wave-to-wire approach
L Wang
Acta Universitatis Upsaliensis, 2017
On improving the wave-to-wire efficiency of a two-body hinge-barge wave energy converter
LG Wang*, SX Wu, TH Huang, WC Chen
Ocean Engineering 278, 114388, 2023
Performance of arrays of direct-driven wave energy converters under optimal power take-off damping
L Wang*, J Engström, M Leijon, J Isberg
AIP Advances 6 (8), 2016
Hydrodynamic performance of a three-unit heave wave energy converter array under different arrangement
WC Chen, ZH Huang, YL Zhang, LG Wang*, LF Huang
Renewable Energy 221, 119808, 2024
Achieving efficient power generation for an enclosed drifting buoy for multi-DOF wave energy harvesting
LG Wang*, J Lin, H Li, JC Jiang, SX Wu, GY Lu
Ocean Engineering 305, 117834, 2024
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Articles 1–20