Katholieke Universiteit Leuven
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Estimating the soil moisture retention characteristic from texture, bulk density, and carbon content
H Vereecken, J Maes, J Feyen, P Darius
Soil science 148 (6), 389-403, 1989
Assessment of evapotranspiration and soil moisture content across different scales of observation
WW Verstraeten, F Veroustraete, J Feyen
Sensors 8 (1), 70-117, 2008
Estimating unsaturated hydraulic conductivity from easily measured soil properties
H Vereecken, J Maes, J Feyen
Soil Science 149 (1), 1-12, 1990
Soil moisture retrieval using thermal inertia, determined with visible and thermal spaceborne data, validated for European forests
WW Verstraeten, F Veroustraete, CJ van der Sande, I Grootaers, J Feyen
Remote Sensing of Environment 101 (3), 299-314, 2006
Spatial variability of hydraulic properties in a multi-layered soil profile
D Mallants, BP Mohanty, D Jacques, J Feyen
Soil Science 161 (3), 167-181, 1996
The hydrology of tropical Andean ecosystems: importance, knowledge status, and perspectives
R Célleri, J Feyen
Mountain Research and Development 29 (4), 350-355, 2009
Effect of grid size on effective parameters and model performance of the MIKE‐SHE code
RF Vázquez, L Feyen, J Feyen, JC Refsgaard
Hydrological processes 16 (2), 355-372, 2002
Space–time rainfall variability in the Paute basin, Ecuadorian Andes
R Celleri, P Willems, W Buytaert, J Feyen
Hydrological Processes: An International Journal 21 (24), 3316-3327, 2007
Air entrapment effects on infiltration rate and flow instability
Z Wang, J Feyen, MT van Genuchten, DR Nielsen
Water Resources Research 34 (2), 213-222, 1998
Spatial analysis of saturated hydraulic conductivity in a soil with macropores
D Mallants, BP Mohanty, A Vervoort, J Feyen
Soil Technology 10 (2), 115-131, 1997
Effects of soil water repellency on infiltration rate and flow instability
Z Wang, QJ Wu, L Wu, CJ Ritsema, LW Dekker, J Feyen
Journal of Hydrology 231, 265-276, 2000
Regionalisation of the parameters of a hydrological model: Comparison of linear regression models with artificial neural nets
G Heuvelmans, B Muys, J Feyen
Journal of Hydrology 319 (1-4), 245-265, 2006
Functional evaluation of pedotransfer functions for the estimation of soil hydraulic properties
H Vereecken, J Diels, J Van Orshoven, J Feyen, J Bouma
Soil Science Society of America Journal 56 (5), 1371-1378, 1992
Modelling water flow and solute transport in heterogeneous soils: A review of recent approaches
J Feyen, D Jacques, A Timmerman, J Vanderborght
Journal of Agricultural Engineering Research 70 (3), 231-256, 1998
Modelling the hydrology of a catchment using a distributed and a semi‐distributed model
AA El‐Nasr, JG Arnold, J Feyen, J Berlamont
Hydrological Processes: An International Journal 19 (3), 573-587, 2005
Identifying controls of the rainfall–runoff response of small catchments in the tropical Andes (Ecuador)
PJ Crespo, J Feyen, W Buytaert, A Bücker, L Breuer, HG Frede, ...
Journal of Hydrology 407 (1-4), 164-174, 2011
Logistic modelling to derive agricultural land use determinants: a case study from southeastern Nigeria
A Gobin, P Campling, J Feyen
Agriculture, ecosystems & environment 89 (3), 213-228, 2002
Application of a distributed physically-based hydrological model to a medium size catchment
L Feyen, R Vázquez, K Christiaens, O Sels, J Feyen
Hydrology and Earth System Sciences 4 (1), 47-63, 2000
Estimating evapotranspiration of European forests from NOAA-imagery at satellite overpass time: Towards an operational processing chain for integrated optical and thermal …
WW Verstraeten, F Veroustraete, J Feyen
Remote Sensing of Environment 96 (2), 256-276, 2005
Two-dimensional simulation of water flow and solute transport below furrows: model calibration and validation
F Abbasi, J Feyen, MT Van Genuchten
Journal of Hydrology 290 (1-2), 63-79, 2004
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