Themistoklis Charalambous
Themistoklis Charalambous
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, School of Engineering, University of Cyprus
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Buffer-aided relay selection for cooperative diversity systems without delay constraints
I Krikidis, T Charalambous, JS Thompson
IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications 11 (5), 1957-1967, 2012
Self-adaptive and self-configured CPU resource provisioning for virtualized servers using Kalman filters
E Kalyvianaki, T Charalambous, S Hand
Proceedings of the 6th international conference on Autonomic computing, 117-126, 2009
A framework to describe, analyze and generate interactive motor behaviors
N Jarrassé, T Charalambous, E Burdet
PloS one 7 (11), e49945, 2012
Average Consensus in the Presence of Delays in Directed Graph Topologies
C Hadjicostis, T Charalambous
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control 59 (3), 763-768, 2014
A Survey on Buffer-Aided Relay Selection
N Nomikos, T Charalambous, I Krikidis, DN Skoutas, D Vouyioukas, ...
IEEE Communication Surveys & Tutorials 18 (2), 1073 - 1097, 2016
Exponential Stability of Homogeneous Positive Systems of Degree One With Time-Varying Delays
HR Feyzmahdavian, T Charalambous, M Johansson
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control 59 (6), 1594-1599, 2014
Distributed Finite-Time Average Consensus in Digraphs in the Presence of Time-Delays
T Charalambous, Y Yuan, T Yang, W Pan, C Hadjicostis, M Johansson
IEEE Transactions on Control of Network Systems, 2015
Distributed Finite-Time Computation of Digraph Parameters: Left-Eigenvector, Out-Degree and Spectrum
T Charalambous, M Rabbat, M Johansson, C Hadjicostis
IEEE Transactions on Control of Network Systems 3 (2), 137-148, 2016
Stability Analysis and Power Optimization for Energy Harvesting Cooperative Networks
I Krikidis, T Charalambous, J Thompson
Signal Processing Letters, IEEE 19 (1), 20-23, 2012
Contractive interference functions and rates of convergence of distributed power control laws
HR Feyzmahdavian, M Johansson, T Charalambous
IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications 11 (12), 4494-4502, 2012
Distributed network size estimation and average degree estimation and control in networks isomorphic to directed graphs
I Shames, T Charalambous, CN Hadjicostis, M Johansson
2012 50th Annual Allerton Conference on Communication, Control, and …, 2012
Location-aided pilot contamination avoidance for massive MIMO systems
LS Muppirisetty, T Charalambous, J Karout, G Fodor, H Wymeersch
IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications 17 (4), 2662-2674, 2018
Hybrid NOMA/OMA with buffer-aided relay selection in cooperative networks
N Nomikos, T Charalambous, D Vouyioukas, GK Karagiannidis, ...
IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Signal Processing 13 (3), 524-537, 2019
Distributed weight balancing over digraphs
AI Rikos, T Charalambous, CN Hadjicostis
IEEE Transactions on Control of Network Systems 1 (2), 190-201, 2014
Asymptotic stability and decay rates of homogeneous positive systems with bounded and unbounded delays
HR Feyzmahdavian, T Charalambous, M Johansson
SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization 52 (4), 2623-2650, 2014
A buffer-aided successive opportunistic relay selection scheme with power adaptation and inter-relay interference cancellation for cooperative diversity systems
N Nomikos, T Charalambous, I Krikidis, DN Skoutas, D Vouyioukas, ...
IEEE Transactions on Communications 63 (5), 1623-1634, 2015
Distributed Averaging and Balancing in Network Systems: with Applications to Coordination and Control
C N. Hadjicostis, A Domínguez-García, T Charalambous
Foundations and Trends® in Systems and Control 5 (2-3), 99-292, 2018
Adaptive resource provisioning for virtualized servers using kalman filters
E Kalyvianaki, T Charalambous, S Hand
ACM Transactions on Autonomous and Adaptive Systems (TAAS) 9 (2), 1-35, 2014
Unconditional stability of the Foschini–Miljanic algorithm
A Zappavigna, T Charalambous, F Knorn
Automatica 48 (1), 219-224, 2012
Modeling Buffer-Aided Relay Selection in Networks with Direct Transmission Capability
T Charalambous, N Nomikos, I Krikidis, D Vouyioukas, M Johansson
IEEE Communication Letters, 2015
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