Matt Reidenbach
Matt Reidenbach
Professor & Chair, Environmental Sciences, University of Virginia
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Boundary layer turbulence and flow structure over a fringing coral reef
MA Reidenbach, SG Monismith, JR Koseff, G Yahel, A Genin
Limnology and oceanography, 1956-1968, 2006
Wave and tidally driven flows in eelgrass beds and their effect on sediment suspension
JCR Hansen, MA Reidenbach
Marine Ecology Progress Series 448, 271-287, 2012
The Sponge Pump: The Role of Current Induced Flow in the Design of the Sponge Body Plan
SP Leys, G Yahel, MA Reidenbach, V Tunnicliffe, U Shavit, HM Reiswig
PloS one 6 (12), e27787, 2011
Benthic flow environments affect recruitment of Crassostrea virginica larvae to an intertidal oyster reef
ER Whitman, MA Reidenbach
Marine Ecology Progress Series 463, 177-191, 2012
Thermally driven exchanges between a coral reef and the adjoining ocean
SG Monismith, A Genin, MA Reidenbach, G Yahel, JR Koseff
Journal of Physical Oceanography 36 (7), 1332-1347, 2006
The effects of waves and morphology on mass transfer within branched reef corals
MA Reidenbach, JR Koseff, SG Monismith, JV Steinbuck, A Genin
Limnology and oceanography, 1134-1141, 2006
Wave attenuation by oyster reefs in shallow coastal bays
PL Wiberg, SR Taube, AE Ferguson, MR Kremer, MA Reidenbach
Estuaries and Coasts 42, 331-347, 2019
Seasonal Growth and Senescence of a Zostera marina Seagrass Meadow Alters Wave-Dominated Flow and Sediment Suspension Within a Coastal Bay
JCR Hansen, MA Reidenbach
Estuaries and Coasts 36, 1099-1114, 2013
Intense benthic grazing of phytoplankton in a coral reef
A Genin, SG Monismith, MA Reidenbach, G Yahel, JR Koseff
Limnology and Oceanography 54 (3), 938-951, 2009
Hydrodynamic forces on larvae affect their settlement on coral reefs in turbulent, wave-driven flow
MA Reidenbach, JR Koseff, MAR Koehl
Limnology and Oceanography 54 (1), 318-330, 2009
The influence of sea level rise and changes in fringing reef morphology on gradients in alongshore sediment transport
AE Grady, LJ Moore, CD Storlazzi, E Elias, MA Reidenbach
Geophysical Research Letters 40 (12), 3096-3101, 2013
Laboratory experiments of fine-scale mixing and mass transport within a coral canopy
MA Reidenbach, JR Koseff, SG Monismith
Physics of Fluids 19 (7), 2007
Effects of bed roughness on boundary layer mixing and mass flux across the sediment-water interface
MA Reidenbach, M Limm, M Hondzo, MT Stacey
Water Resour. Res 46, W07530, 2010
Nonlinear dynamics and alternative stable states in shallow coastal systems
KJ McGlathery, MA Reidenbach, P D'ODORICO, S Fagherazzi, ML Pace, ...
Oceanography 26 (3), 220-231, 2013
Individual-based model of larval transport to coral reefs in turbulent, wave-driven flow: behavioral responses to dissolved settlement inducer
MAR Koehl, JA Strother, MA Reidenbach, JR Koseff, MG and Hadfield
Mar Ecol Prog Ser 335, 1-18, 2007
Influence of the Seagrass, Zostera marina, on Wave Attenuation and Bed Shear Stress Within a Shallow Coastal Bay
MA Reidenbach, EL Thomas
Frontiers in Marine Science 5, 397, 2018
The energetic cost of filtration by demosponges and their behavioural response to ambient currents
DA Ludeman, MA Reidenbach, SP Leys
Journal of Experimental Biology 220 (6), 995-1007, 2017
Near-bottom depletion of zooplankton over a coral reef II: relationships with zooplankton swimming ability
R Holzman, MA Reidenbach, SG Monismith, JR Koseff, A Genin
Coral Reefs 24 (1), 87-94, 2005
Antennule morphology and flicking kinematics facilitate odor sampling by the spiny lobster, Panulirus argus
MA Reidenbach, N George, MAR Koehl
Journal of Experimental Biology 211 (17), 2849-2858, 2008
The spatial and temporal patterns of odors sampled by lobsters and crabs in a turbulent plume
MA Reidenbach, MAR Koehl
The Journal of Experimental Biology 214 (18), 3138-3153, 2011
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Articles 1–20