Abbas Babaahmadi
Abbas Babaahmadi
Adjunct Research Fellow, University of Queensland
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A study of Quaternary structures in the Qom region, West Central Iran
A Babaahmadi, H Safaei, A Yassaghi, H Vafa, A Naeimi, S Madanipour, ...
Journal of Geodynamics 50 (5), 355-367, 2010
An investigation into the fault patterns in the Chadegan region, west Iran: Evidence for dextral brittle transpressional tectonics in the Sanandaj–Sirjan Zone
A Babaahmadi, M Mohajjel, A Eftekhari, AR Davoudian
Journal of Asian Earth Sciences 43 (1), 77-88, 2012
Late Mesozoic and Cenozoic wrench tectonics in eastern Australia: insights from the North Pine Fault System (southeast Queensland)
A Babaahmadi, G Rosenbaum
Journal of Geodynamics 73, 83-99, 2014
Kinematics of the Demon Fault: Implications for Mesozoic strike-slip faulting in eastern Australia
A Babaahmadi, G Rosenbaum
Australian Journal of Earth Sciences 60 (2), 255-269, 2013
Alternating episodes of extension and contraction during the Triassic: Evidence from Mesozoic sedimentary basins in eastern Australia
A Babaahmadi, G Rosenbaum, J Esterle
Australian Journal of Earth Sciences 62 (5), 563-579, 2015
Late Jurassic intraplate faulting in eastern Australia: a link to subduction in eastern Gondwana and plate tectonic reorganisation
A Babaahmadi, IT Uysal, G Rosenbaum
Gondwana Research 66, 1-12, 2019
The development of a Triassic fold‐thrust belt in a synclinal depositional system, Bowen Basin (eastern Australia)
A Babaahmadi, R Sliwa, J Esterle, G Rosenbaum
Tectonics 36 (1), 51-77, 2017
Late Cenozoic intraplate faulting in eastern Australia
A Babaahmadi, G Rosenbaum
Journal of Structural Geology 69, 59-74, 2014
Structure and kinematics of the Louth-Eumarra Shear Zone (north-central New South Wales, Australia) and implications for the Paleozoic plate tectonic evolution of eastern Australia
S Dunstan, G Rosenbaum, A Babaahmadi
Australian Journal of Earth Sciences 63 (1), 63-80, 2016
The Red Rock Fault zone (northeast New South Wales): kinematics, timing of deformation and relationships to the New England oroclines
G Rosenbaum, IT Uysal, A Babaahmadi
Australian Journal of Earth Sciences 62 (4), 409-423, 2015
The evolution of a Late Cretaceous–Cenozoic intraplate basin (Duaringa Basin), eastern Australia: evidence for the negative inversion of a pre-existing fold–thrust belt
A Babaahmadi, R Sliwa, J Esterle, G Rosenbaum
International Journal of Earth Sciences 107, 1895-1910, 2018
Structure Supermodel 2017 - Fault Characterisation in Permian to Jurassic Coal Measures
R Sliwa, A Babaahmadi, J Esterle
ACARP, 2018
Faults and Fractures in the Surat Basin Relationship with Permeability
J Copley, S Mukherjee, A Babaahmadi, F Zhou, K Barbosa, S Hurter, ...
The University of Queensland, Brisbane, Australia, 2017
Kinematics of orocline-parallel faults in the Texas and Coffs Harbour oroclines (eastern Australia) and the role of flexural slip during oroclinal bending
A Babaahmadi, G Rosenbaum
Australian Journal of Earth Sciences 62 (8), 933-948, 2015
Understanding faults in the Surat Basin from interpretation of seismic lines, aeromagnetic and gravity data
A Babaahmadi, R Sliwa, J Esterle
Report for Centre for Coal Seam Gas, The University of Queensland, Brisbane …, 2015
Transpression in the Sanandaj-Sirjan zone (Zagros Orogen, Iran) during the Jurassic and Early Cretaceous: Evidence from the north Shahrekord shear zone
A Babaahmadi, AR Davoudian, M Mohajjel
Journal of Structural Geology 149, 104387, 2021
Style and intensity of late Cenozoic deformation in the Nagoorin Basin (eastern Queensland, Australia) and implications for the pattern of strain in an intraplate setting
A Babaahmadi, G Rosenbaum, R Sliwa, J Esterle, M Rajabi
Geological Magazine 156 (4), 605-619, 2019
Mapping Quaternary faults in the west of Kavir Plain, north-central Iran, from satellite imageries
A Babaahmadi, A Yassaghi, A Naeimi, GR Dini, S Taghipour
International Journal of Remote Sensing 31 (19), 5111-5125, 2010
Post Jurassic shortening in the western Surat Basin relative to underlying basement depth and faulting
A Babaahmadi, R Sliwa, J Esterle
The APPEA Journal 56 (2), 597-597, 2016
Post-orogenic structural style and reactivation in the northern Bowen Basin, eastern Australia
A Babaahmadi, P Brooks, M Grant
Australian Journal of Earth Sciences 68 (2), 188-203, 2021
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