Peter Betlem
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Hydrate occurrence in Europe: A review of available evidence
TA Minshull, H Marín-Moreno, P Betlem, J Bialas, S Bünz, E Burwicz, ...
Marine and Petroleum Geology 111, 735-764, 2020
Sub-permafrost methane seepage from open-system pingos in Svalbard
AJ Hodson, A Nowak, MT Hornum, K Senger, K Redeker, ...
The Cryosphere 14 (11), 3829-3842, 2020
Using digital outcrops to make the high Arctic more accessible through the Svalbox database
K Senger, P Betlem, T Birchall, SJ Buckley, B Coakley, CH Eide, PP Flaig, ...
Journal of Geoscience Education 69 (2), 123-137, 2021
Shallow-water hydrothermal venting linked to the Palaeocene–Eocene Thermal Maximum
C Berndt, S Planke, CA Alvarez Zarikian, J Frieling, MT Jones, JM Millett, ...
Nature Geoscience 16 (9), 803-809, 2023
3D thermobaric modelling of the gas hydrate stability zone onshore central Spitsbergen, Arctic Norway
P Betlem, K Senger, A Hodson
Marine and Petroleum Geology 100, 246-262, 2019
Resistivity of reservoir sandstones and organic rich shales on the Barents Shelf: Implications for interpreting CSEM data
K Senger, T Birchall, P Betlem, K Ogata, S Ohm, S Olaussen, RS Paulsen
Geoscience Frontiers 12 (6), 101063, 2021
Teaching with digital geology in the high Arctic: opportunities and challenges
K Senger, P Betlem, SA Grundvåg, RK Horota, SJ Buckley, ...
Geoscience Communication 4 (3), 399-420, 2021
Svalbard composite tectono-sedimentary element, Barents Sea
S Olaussen, SA Grundvåg, K Senger, I Anell, P Betlem, T Birchall, ...
Geological Society, London, Memoirs 57 (1), M57-2021-36, 2025
Demonstrating the potential of CO2 hydrate self-sealing in Svalbard, Arctic Norway
S Almenningen, P Betlem, A Hussain, S Roy, K Senger, G Ersland
International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control 89, 1-8, 2019
Digital drill core models: Structure-from-motion as a tool for the characterisation, orientation, and digital archiving of drill core samples
P Betlem, T Birchall, K Ogata, J Park, E Skurtveit, K Senger
Remote Sensing 12 (2), 330, 2020
Svalbox Digital Model Database: A geoscientific window into the High Arctic
P Betlem, N Rodés, T Birchall, A Dahlin, A Smyrak-Sikora, K Senger
Geosphere 19 (6), 1640-1666, 2023
Recognition of shorter and longer trimethyllysine analogues by epigenetic reader proteins
AHK Al Temimi, R Belle, K Kumar, J Poater, P Betlem, BJGE Pieters, ...
Chemical Communications 54 (19), 2409-2412, 2018
West Spitsbergen fold and thrust belt: A digital educational data package for teaching structural geology
RK Horota, K Senger, N Rodes, P Betlem, A Smyrak-Sikora, ...
Journal of Structural Geology 167, 104781, 2023
Groundwater flow through continuous permafrost along geological boundary revealed by electrical resistivity tomography
MT Hornum, P Betlem, A Hodson
Geophysical Research Letters 48 (14), e2021GL092757, 2021
Modelling geological CO2 leakage: Integrating fracture permeability and fault zone outcrop analysis
RE Rizzo, NF Inskip, H Fazeli, P Betlem, K Bisdom, N Kampman, J Snippe, ...
International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control 133, 104105, 2024
Modelling of the gas hydrate potential in Svalbard’s fjords
P Betlem, S Roy, T Birchall, A Hodson, R Noormets, M Römer, ...
Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering 94, 104127, 2021
Scientific Applications of Unmanned Vehicles in Svalbard (UAV Svalbard)
R Hann, B Altstädter, P Betlem, K Deja, K Dragańska-Deja, M Ewertowski, ...
SESS report, 78-103, 2020
Permafrost trapped natural gas in Svalbard, Norway
T Birchall, M Jochmann, P Betlem, K Senger, A Hodson, S Olaussen
Frontiers in Earth Science 11, 1277027, 2023
The subsurface thermal state of Svalbard and implications for geothermal potential
K Senger, M Nuus, N Balling, P Betlem, T Birchall, HH Christiansen, ...
Geothermics 111, 102702, 2023
Digitising Svalbard’s geology: the Festningen digital outcrop model
K Senger, P Betlem, T Birchall, L Gonzaga Jr, SA Grundvåg, RK Horota, ...
First Break 40 (3), 47-55, 2022
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