Heather K. Hunt
Cited by
Cited by
Label-free biological and chemical sensors
HK Hunt, AM Armani
Nanoscale 2 (9), 1544-1559, 2010
Hand-held optoacoustic imaging: A review
MW Schellenberg, HK Hunt
Photoacoustics 11, 14-27, 2018
Bioconjugation strategies for microtoroidal optical resonators
HK Hunt, C Soteropulos, AM Armani
Sensors 10 (10), 9317-9336, 2010
Social cognitive predictors of engineering students’ academic persistence intentions, satisfaction, and engagement.
RL Navarro, LY Flores, JP Legerski, J Brionez, SF May, HN Suh, ...
Journal of Counseling Psychology 66 (2), 170, 2019
Techniques and challenges for characterizing metal thin films with applications in photonics
PJD Whiteside, JA Chininis, HK Hunt
Coatings 6 (3), 35, 2016
Tailoring the protein adsorption properties of whispering gallery mode optical biosensors
CE Soteropulos, KM Zurick, MT Bernards, HK Hunt
Langmuir 28 (44), 15743-15750, 2012
Application of bacteriophages to selectively remove Pseudomonas aeruginosa in water and wastewater filtration systems
Y Zhang, HK Hunt, Z Hu
Water research 47 (13), 4507-4518, 2013
Determination of binding kinetics using whispering gallery mode microcavities
CE Soteropulos, HK Hunt, AM Armani
Applied physics letters 99 (10), 2011
Antimicrobial coatings for food contact surfaces: Legal framework, mechanical properties, and potential applications
E Torres Dominguez, PH Nguyen, HK Hunt, A Mustapha
Comprehensive reviews in food science and food safety 18 (6), 1825-1858, 2019
Pure-silica LTA, CHA, STT, ITW, and-SVR thin films and powders for low-k applications
HK Hunt, CM Lew, M Sun, Y Yan, ME Davis
Microporous and mesoporous materials 130 (1-3), 49-55, 2010
Pure-silica zeolite thin films by vapor phase transport of fluoride for low-k applications
HK Hunt, CM Lew, M Sun, Y Yan, ME Davis
Microporous and mesoporous materials 128 (1-3), 12-18, 2010
PEG functionalization of whispering gallery mode optical microresonator biosensors to minimize non-specific adsorption during targeted, label-free sensing
F Wang, M Anderson, MT Bernards, HK Hunt
Sensors 15 (8), 18040-18060, 2015
Recycling microcavity optical biosensors
HK Hunt, AM Armani
Optics letters 36 (7), 1092-1094, 2011
The Detection of Helicobacter hepaticus Using Whispering-Gallery Mode Microcavity Optical Sensors
ME Anderson, EC O’Brien, EN Grayek, JK Hermansen, HK Hunt
Biosensors 5 (3), 562-576, 2015
Bioconjugation strategies for label-free optical microcavity sensors
HK Hunt, AM Armani
IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics 20 (2), 121-133, 2013
Vibrational spectroscopy of sodalite: Theory and experiments
AM Mofrad, C Peixoto, J Blumeyer, J Liu, HK Hunt, KD Hammond
The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 122 (43), 24765-24779, 2018
Dielectric constant measurement of zeolite powders by time-domain reflectometry
M Sun, W Maichen, R Pophale, Y Liu, R Cai, CM Lew, H Hunt, MW Deem, ...
Microporous and Mesoporous Materials 123 (1-3), 10-14, 2009
Attaching biological probes to silica optical biosensors using silane coupling agents
CE Soteropulos, HK Hunt
Journal of visualized experiments: JoVE, 3866, 2012
When theater comes to engineering design: Oh how creative they can be
FM Pfeiffer, RE Bauer, S Borgelt, S Burgoyne, S Grant, HK Hunt, ...
Journal of biomechanical engineering 139 (7), 071004, 2017
Photoacoustic measurement of refractive index of dye solutions and myoglobin for biosensing applications
BS Goldschmidt, S Mehta, J Mosley, C Walter, PJD Whiteside, HK Hunt, ...
Biomedical Optics Express 4 (11), 2463-2476, 2013
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Articles 1–20