Enrico Paolini
Cited by
Cited by
Coded slotted ALOHA: A graph-based method for uncoordinated multiple access
E Paolini, G Liva, M Chiani
IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 61 (12), 6815-6832, 2015
Coded random access: Applying codes on graphs to design random access protocols
E Paolini, C Stefanovic, G Liva, P Popovski
IEEE Communications Magazine 53 (6), 144-150, 2015
High throughput random access via codes on graphs: Coded slotted ALOHA
E Paolini, G Liva, M Chiani
2011 IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC), 1-6, 2011
Sensor radar for object tracking
M Chiani, A Giorgetti, E Paolini
Proceedings of the IEEE 106 (6), 1022-1041, 2018
Localization capability of cooperative anti-intruder radar systems
E Paolini, A Giorgetti, M Chiani, R Minutolo, M Montanari
EURASIP Journal on Advances in Signal Processing 2008, 1-14, 2008
System-level analysis of joint sensing and communication based on 5G new radio
L Pucci, E Paolini, A Giorgetti
IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications 40 (7), 2043-2055, 2022
Target tracking for UWB multistatic radar sensor networks
B Sobhani, E Paolini, A Giorgetti, M Mazzotti, M Chiani
IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Signal Processing 8 (1), 125-136, 2014
Reliability options for data communications in the future deep-space missions
T De Cola, E Paolini, G Liva, GP Calzolari
Proceedings of the IEEE 99 (11), 2056-2074, 2011
Performance versus overhead for fountain codes over Fq
G Liva, E Paolini, M Chiani
IEEE Communications Letters 14 (2), 178-180, 2010
Using internet of things and distributed ledger technology for digital circular economy enablement: The case of electronic equipment
C Magrini, J Nicolas, H Berg, A Bellini, E Paolini, N Vincenti, ...
Sustainability 13 (9), 4982, 2021
Short turbo codes over high order fields
G Liva, E Paolini, B Matuz, S Scalise, M Chiani
IEEE Transactions on Communications 61 (6), 2201-2211, 2013
Irregular repetition slotted ALOHA over the Rayleigh block fading channel with capture
F Clazzer, E Paolini, I Mambelli, Č Stefanović
2017 IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC), 1-6, 2017
Spatially-coupled random access on graphs
G Liva, E Paolini, M Lentmaier, M Chiani
2012 IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory Proceedings, 478-482, 2012
Channel coding for future space missions: New requirements and trends
GP Calzolari, M Chiani, F Chiaraluce, R Garello, E Paolini
Proceedings of the IEEE 95 (11), 2157-2170, 2007
Maximum likelihood erasure decoding of LDPC codes: Pivoting algorithms and code design
E Paolini, G Liva, B Matuz, M Chiani
IEEE Transactions on Communications 60 (11), 3209-3220, 2012
Graph-based random access for the collision channel without feedback: Capacity bound
E Paolini, G Liva, M Chiani
2011 IEEE Global Telecommunications Conference-GLOBECOM 2011, 1-5, 2011
Asymptotic performance of coded slotted ALOHA with multipacket reception
Č Stefanović, E Paolini, G Liva
IEEE Communications Letters 22 (1), 105-108, 2017
Non‐binary protograph low‐density parity‐check codes for space communications
L Costantini, B Matuz, G Liva, E Paolini, M Chiani
International Journal of Satellite Communications and Networking 30 (2), 43-51, 2012
Target detection metrics and tracking for UWB radar sensor networks
M Chiani, A Giorgetti, M Mazzotti, R Minutolo, E Paolini
2009 IEEE International Conference on Ultra-Wideband, 469-474, 2009
Generalized and doubly generalized LDPC codes with random component codes for the binary erasure channel
E Paolini, MPC Fossorier, M Chiani
IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 56 (4), 1651-1672, 2010
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Articles 1–20