Lars Dittmann
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Cloud RAN for mobile networks—A technology overview
A Checko, HL Christiansen, Y Yan, L Scolari, G Kardaras, MS Berger, ...
IEEE Communications surveys & tutorials 17 (1), 405-426, 2014
The European IST project DAVID: A viable approach toward optical packet switching
L Dittmann, C Develder, D Chiaroni, F Neri, F Callegati, W Koerber, ...
IEEE Journal on selected areas in communications 21 (7), 1026-1040, 2003
A WDM-PON-compatible system for simultaneous distribution of gigabit baseband and wireless ultrawideband services with flexible bandwidth allocation
TT Pham, X Yu, TB Gibbon, L Dittmann, IT Monroy
IEEE photonics journal 3 (1), 13-19, 2010
Energy management mechanism for Ethernet passive optical networks (EPONs)
Y Yan, SW Wong, L Valcarenghi, SH Yen, DR Campelo, S Yamashita, ...
2010 IEEE International Conference on Communications, 1-5, 2010
Flow enforcement algorithms for ATM networks
L Dittmann, SB Jacobsen, K Moth
IEEE Journal on selected areas in communications 9 (3), 343-350, 1991
Statistical multiplexing of identical bursty sources in an ATM network
L Dittmann, SB Jacobsen
1988 IEEE Global Telecommunications Conference and Exhibition …, 1988
Energy efficiency in ethernet passive optical networks (EPONs): Protocol design and performance evaluation
Y Yan, L Dittmann
Journal of Communications 6 (3), 249-261, 2011
OWL ontologies and SWRL rules applied to energy management
A Rossello-Busquet, LJ Brewka, J Soler, L Dittmann
2011 UkSim 13th International Conference on Computer Modelling and …, 2011
Load control in ATM networks
SB Jacobsen, K Moth, L Dittmann, K Sallberg
International Symposium on Switching 5, 131-138, 1990
Experimental demonstration of multidimensional switching nodes for all-optical data center networks
V Kamchevska, AK Medhin, F Da Ros, F Ye, R Asif, AM Fagertun, ...
Journal of Lightwave Technology 34 (8), 1837-1843, 2016
A novel home energy management system architecture
A Rossello-Busquet, J Soler, L Dittmann
2011 UkSim 13th International Conference on Computer Modelling and …, 2011
Towards efficient energy management: Defining HEMS and smart grid objectives
A Rosselló-Busquet, J Soler
International Journal on Advances in Telecommunications 4 (3), 2011
String mode-a new concept for performance improvement of ATM networks
JH Dejean, L Dittmann, CN Lorenzen
IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications 9 (9), 1452-1460, 1991
Green-aware routing in GMPLS networks
J Wang, S Ruepp, AV Manolova, L Dittmann, S Ricciardi, D Careglio
2012 International Conference on Computing, Networking and Communications …, 2012
Broadbandloop: A full-service access network for residential and small business users
NE Andersen, PMN Nordeste, AMDO Duarte, HE Lassen, A Ekblad, ...
IEEE communications magazine 35 (12), 88-93, 1997
Novel scheme for packet forwarding without header modifications in optical networks
H Wessing, H Christiansen, T Fjelde, L Dittmann
Journal of Lightwave Technology 20 (8), 1277-1283, 2002
Downlink resource management for QoS scheduling in IEEE 802.16 WiMAX networks
H Wang, L Dittmann
Computer Communications 33 (8), 940-953, 2010
“Future patient” telerehabilitation for patients with heart failure: Protocol for a randomized controlled trial
B Dinesen, L Dittmann, JD Gade, CK Jørgensen, M Hollingdal, S Leth, ...
JMIR research protocols 8 (9), e14517, 2019
Communication technologies support to railway infrastructure and operations
A Sniady
DTU Fotonik, 2015
A fluid flow queueing model for heterogeneous on/off traffic
S Jacobsen, L Dittman, K Moth
RACE BLNT workshop, munchen, 1990
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