Rebecca Hochreutener
Rebecca Hochreutener
TAHMO operations manager
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Characterizing groundwater flow and heat transport in fractured rock using fiber‐optic distributed temperature sensing
T Read, O Bour, V Bense, T Le Borgne, P Goderniaux, MV Klepikova, ...
Geophysical Research Letters 40 (10), 2055-2059, 2013
Validation of IMERG precipitation in Africa
AK Dezfuli, CM Ichoku, GJ Huffman, KI Mohr, JS Selker, N van de Giesen, ...
Journal of Hydrometeorology 18 (10), 2817-2825, 2017
Active‐distributed temperature sensing to continuously quantify vertical flow in boreholes
T Read, O Bour, JS Selker, VF Bense, TL Borgne, R Hochreutener, ...
Water Resources Research 50 (5), 3706-3713, 2014
Hydrological behavior of a deep sub-vertical fault in crystalline basement and relationships with surrounding reservoirs
C Roques, O Bour, L Aquilina, B Dewandel, S Leray, JM Schroetter, ...
Journal of Hydrology 509, 42-54, 2014
Passive temperature tomography experiments to characterize transmissivity and connectivity of preferential flow paths in fractured media
MV Klepikova, T Le Borgne, O Bour, K Gallagher, R Hochreutener, ...
Journal of Hydrology 512, 549-562, 2014
Groundwater sources and geochemical processes in a crystalline fault aquifer
C Roques, L Aquilina, O Bour, JC Maréchal, B Dewandel, H Pauwels, ...
Journal of Hydrology 519, 3110-3128, 2014
Heat as a tracer for understanding transport processes in fractured media: Theory and field assessment from multiscale thermal push‐pull tracer tests
MV Klepikova, T Le Borgne, O Bour, M Dentz, R Hochreutener, ...
Water Resources Research 52 (7), 5442-5457, 2016
Organic matter control on the reactivity of Fe (III)-oxyhydroxides and associated As in wetland soils: a kinetic modeling study
M Davranche, A Dia, M Fakih, B Nowack, G Gruau, G Ona-nguema, ...
Chemical Geology 335, 24-35, 2013
Multi-disciplinary characterizations of the BedrettoLab–a new underground geoscience research facility
X Ma, M Hertrich, F Amann, K Bröker, N Gholizadeh Doonechaly, ...
Solid Earth 13 (2), 301-322, 2022
X-ray absorption fine structure evidence for amorphous zinc sulfide as a major zinc species in suspended matter from the Seine River downstream of Paris, Ile-de-France, France
C Priadi, P Le Pape, G Morin, S Ayrault, F Maillot, F Juillot, ...
Environmental science & technology 46 (7), 3712-3720, 2012
Groundwater contamination in coastal urban areas: anthropogenic pressure and natural attenuation processes. Example of Recife (PE State, NE Brazil)
G Bertrand, R Hirata, H Pauwels, L Cary, E Petelet-Giraud, E Chatton, ...
Journal of contaminant hydrology 192, 165-180, 2016
Thermal-plume fibre optic tracking (T-POT) test for flow velocity measurement in groundwater boreholes
T Read, VF Bense, R Hochreutener, O Bour, T Le Borgne, N Lavenant, ...
Geoscientific Instrumentation, Methods and Data Systems 4 (2), 197-202, 2015
Grimsel ISC experiment description
J Doetsch, V Gischig, H Krietsch, L Villiger, F Amann, N Dutler, R Jalali, ...
ETH Zurich, 2018
Inter-comparison exercises on dissolved gases for groundwater dating–(1) Goals of the exercise and site choice, validation of the sampling strategy
T Labasque, L Aquilina, V Vergnaud, R Hochreutener, F Barbecot, ...
Applied geochemistry 40, 119-125, 2014
XAFS evidence for amorphous zinc sulfide as a major zinc species in suspended matter from the Seine River downstream of Paris, Ile-de-France, France
C Priadi, P Le Pape, G Morin, S Ayrault, F Maillot, F Juillot, ...
Environmental Science and Technology 46 (7), 3712-3720, 2012
Validation of Technologies for reservoir engineering (VALTER)
D Giardini, S Wiemer, H Maurer, M Hertrich, P Meier, A Alcolea, R Castilla, ...
ETH Zurich, 2022
The first five years of the Trans-African Hydro-Meteorological observatory (TAHMO): From nice idea to a network of 500+ stations
N Van De Giesen, FO Annor, R Hochreutener, JS Selker
AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 2019, H44D-05, 2019
Comparing imerg-v3 with gauge-based precipitation data in africa
AK Dezfuli, CM Ichoku, GJ Huffman, JS Selker, R Hochreutener
AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 2016, H23F-1634, 2016
The hydrogeological observatory of ploemeur (France): Long-term monitoring and experimentations
O Bour, T Le Borgne, N Lavenant, T Labasque, L Longuevergne, ...
2013 GSA annual meeting, 212-6, 2013
Dynamique spatiale et temporelle de la spéciation du zinc en Seine.
G Morin, P Le Pape, CR Priadi, R Hochreutener, F Juillot, A Gélabert, ...
Rapport PIREN Seine, 2011
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