Simon Schwab
Simon Schwab
Statistician, Swisstransplant, Bern, Switzerland
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A novel brief therapy for patients who attempt suicide: A 24-months follow-up randomized controlled study of the attempted suicide short intervention program (ASSIP)
A Gysin-Maillart, S Schwab, L Soravia, M Megert, K Michel
PLoS medicine 13 (3), e1001968, 2016
Functional Connectivity in BOLD and CBF data: Similarity and Reliability of Resting Brain Networks
K Jann, DG Gee, E Kilroy, S Schwab, RX Smith, TD Cannon, DJJ Wang
NeuroImage 106, 111-122, 2015
Rescuers at risk: posttraumatic stress symptoms among police officers, fire fighters, ambulance personnel, and emergency and psychiatric nurses
LM Soravia, S Schwab, S Walther, T Müller
Frontiers in psychiatry, 1553, 2021
Unconscious relational encoding depends on hippocampus
SB Duss, TP Reber, J Hänggi, S Schwab, R Wiest, RM Müri, P Brugger, ...
Brain 137 (12), 3355-3370, 2014
Discovering frequency sensitive thalamic nuclei from EEG microstate informed resting state fMRI
S Schwab, T Koenig, Y Morishima, T Dierks, A Federspiel, K Jann
NeuroImage 118, 368-375, 2015
Brainhack: Developing a culture of open, inclusive, community-driven neuroscience
R Gau, S Noble, K Heuer, KL Bottenhorn, IP Bilgin, YF Yang, ...
Neuron 109 (11), 1769-1775, 2021
Music, perceived arousal, and intensity: Psychophysiological reactions to C hopin's “T ristesse”
CA Mikutta, S Schwab, S Niederhauser, O Wuermle, W Strik, A Altorfer
Psychophysiology 50 (9), 909-919, 2013
Different worlds: Confirmatory versus exploratory research
S Schwab, L Held
Significance 17 (2), 8-9, 2020
Functional Connectivity Alterations of the Temporal Lobe and Hippocampus in Semantic Dementia and Alzheimer’s
S Schwab, S Afyouni, Y Chen, Z Han, Q Guo, T Dierks, LO Wahlund, ...
Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease 76, 1461-1475, 2020
Glucocorticoid administration improves aberrant fear-processing networks in spider phobia
M Nakataki, LM Soravia, S Schwab, H Horn, T Dierks, W Strik, R Wiest, ...
Neuropsychopharmacology 42 (2), 485-494, 2017
The statistical properties of RCTs and a proposal for shrinkage
E van Zwet, S Schwab, S Senn
Statistics in Medicine 40 (27), 6107-6117, 2021
Ten simple rules for good research practice
S Schwab, P Janiaud, M Dayan, V Amrhein, R Panczak, PM Palagi, ...
PLoS computational biology 18 (6), e1010139, 2022
Attempted suicide short intervention program influences coping among patients with a history of attempted suicide
A Gysin-Maillart, L Soravia, S Schwab
Journal of Affective Disorders 264, 393-399, 2020
Alterations of white matter integrity related to the season of birth in schizophrenia: A DTI study
S Giezendanner, S Walther, N Razavi, C Van Swam, MS Fisler, ...
PLOS ONE 8 (9), e75508, 2013
Assessing treatment effects and publication bias across different specialties in medicine: a meta-epidemiological study
S Schwab, G Kreiliger, L Held
BMJ open 11 (9), e045942, 2021
Directed functional connectivity using dynamic graphical models
S Schwab, R Harbord, V Zerbi, L Elliott, S Afyouni, JQ Smith, MW Woolrich, ...
NeuroImage 175, 340-353, 2018
A new look at p values for randomized clinical trials
E van Zwet, A Gelman, S Greenland, G Imbens, S Schwab, SN Goodman
NEJM evidence 3 (1), EVIDoa2300003, 2023
Addressing exaggeration of effects from single RCTs
E van Zwet, S Schwab, S Greenland
Significance 18 (6), 16-21, 2021
Improving the reproducibility of science
L Held, S Schwab
Significance 17 (1), 10-11, 2020
CBT reduces CBF: cognitive‐behavioral therapy reduces cerebral blood flow in fear‐relevant brain regions in spider phobia
LM Soravia, A Orosz, S Schwab, M Nakataki, R Wiest, A Federspiel
Brain and behavior 6 (9), e00510, 2016
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