John Goold
John Goold
Professor in Physics, SFI-Royal Society University Research Fellow, Trinity College Dublin
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The role of quantum information in thermodynamics—a topical review
J Goold, M Huber, A Riera, L Del Rio, P Skrzypczyk
Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical 49 (14), 143001, 2016
Experimental reconstruction of work distribution and study of fluctuation relations in a closed quantum system
TB Batalhão, AM Souza, L Mazzola, R Auccaise, RS Sarthour, IS Oliveira, ...
Physical review letters 113 (14), 140601, 2014
Enhancing the charging power of quantum batteries
F Campaioli, FA Pollock, FC Binder, L Céleri, J Goold, S Vinjanampathy, ...
Physical review letters 118 (15), 150601, 2017
Quantacell: powerful charging of quantum batteries
FC Binder, S Vinjanampathy, K Modi, J Goold
New Journal of Physics 17 (7), 075015, 2015
Extracting quantum work statistics and fluctuation theorems by single-qubit interferometry
R Dorner, SR Clark, L Heaney, R Fazio, J Goold, V Vedral
Physical review letters 110 (23), 230601, 2013
More bang for your buck: Super-adiabatic quantum engines
A Campo, J Goold, M Paternostro
Scientific reports 4 (1), 6208, 2014
Time and frequency domain characteristics of sperm whale clicks
JC Goold, SE Jones
The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 98 (3), 1279-1291, 1995
Spin heat engine coupled to a harmonic-oscillator flywheel
D Von Lindenfels, O Gräb, CT Schmiegelow, V Kaushal, J Schulz, ...
Physical review letters 123 (8), 080602, 2019
Thermodynamic Uncertainty Relations from Exchange Fluctuation Theorems
JGGTL André M. Timpanaro, Giacomo Guarnieri
Physical Review Letters 123 (9), 090604, 2019
Emergent thermodynamics in a quenched quantum many-body system
R Dorner, J Goold, C Cormick, M Paternostro, V Vedral
Physical Review Letters 109 (16), 160601, 2012
Thermodynamics of precision in quantum nonequilibrium steady states
G Guarnieri, GT Landi, SR Clark, J Goold
Physical Review Research 1 (3), 033021, 2019
Quantum coherence and ergotropy
G Francica, FC Binder, G Guarnieri, MT Mitchison, J Goold, F Plastina
Physical Review Letters 125 (18), 180603, 2020
Nonequilibrium quantum Landauer principle
J Goold, M Paternostro, K Modi
Physical review letters 114 (6), 060602, 2015
Orthogonality catastrophe as a consequence of qubit embedding in an ultracold Fermi gas
J Goold, T Fogarty, N Lo Gullo, M Paternostro, T Busch
Physical Review A—Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics 84 (6), 063632, 2011
Daemonic ergotropy: Enhanced work extraction from quantum correlations
G Francica, J Goold, F Plastina, M Paternostro
npj Quantum Information 3 (1), 12, 2017
Non-Markovianity, Loschmidt echo, and criticality: A unified picture
P Haikka, J Goold, S McEndoo, F Plastina, S Maniscalco
Physical Review A—Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics 85 (6), 060101, 2012
Role of coherence in the nonequilibrium thermodynamics of quantum systems
G Francica, J Goold, F Plastina
Physical Review E 99 (4), 042105, 2019
Experimental demonstration of information to energy conversion in a quantum system at the Landauer limit
JPS Peterson, RS Sarthour, AM Souza, IS Oliveira, J Goold, K Modi, ...
Proceedings of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering …, 2016
Thermodynamics of quantum information scrambling
M Campisi, J Goold
Physical Review E 95 (6), 062127, 2017
Quantum thermodynamics of general quantum processes
F Binder, S Vinjanampathy, K Modi, J Goold
Physical Review E 91 (3), 032119, 2015
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