Kevin T. Shanley, Ph.D.
Kevin T. Shanley, Ph.D.
Associate Professor & Chair, Division of Engineering Programs, SUNY New Paltz
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Numerical simulations investigating the regional and overall deposition efficiency of the human nasal cavity
KT Shanley, P Zamankhan, G Ahmadi, PK Hopke, YS Cheng
Inhalation toxicology 20 (12), 1093-1100, 2008
Bayesian model averaging’s problematic treatment of extreme weather and a paradigm shift that fixes it
CH Bishop, KT Shanley
Monthly Weather Review 136 (12), 4641-4652, 2008
A numerical model for simulating the motions of ellipsoidal fibers suspended in low reynolds number shear flows
KT Shanley, G Ahmadi
Aerosol Science and Technology 45 (7), 838-848, 2011
Computational modeling of hydraulic properties of a sheared single rock fracture
AA Mofakham, M Stadelman, G Ahmadi, KT Shanley, D Crandall
Transport in Porous Media 124, 1-30, 2018
Hidden error variance theory. Part II: An instrument that reveals hidden error variance distributions from ensemble forecasts and observations
CH Bishop, EA Satterfield, KT Shanley
Monthly weather review 141 (5), 1469-1483, 2013
Simulated airflow and rigid fiber behavior in a realistic nasal airway model
KT Shanley, G Ahmadi, PK Hopke, YS Cheng
Particulate Science and Technology 36 (2), 131-140, 2018
Comprehensive modeling of airflow rate through automatic doors for low-rise buildings
G Mahajan, H Cho, K Shanley, D Kang
Building and Environment 87, 72-81, 2015
Foamed cement generation methods: Insights from macro-porosity and void distribution
LE Dalton, D Crandall, K Shanley, M Gill, E Rosenbaum, J Moore, ...
ACI Materials Journal 115 (1), 2018
Fibrous and spherical particle transport and deposition in the human nasal airway: A computational fluid dynamics model
KT Shanley, G Ahmadi, PK Hopke, YS Cheng
Fluids Engineering Division Summer Meeting 43727, 2139-2148, 2009
Study of Transmissivity of a Fracture Under Shearing
AA Mofakham, G Ahmadi, M Stadelman, K Shanley, D Crandall
Fluids Engineering Division Summer Meeting 51562, V002T11A012, 2018
A computational model for particulate matter transport and deposition in the human nasal airway
KT Shanley
Clarkson University, 2009
Parametric Analysis of a Stirling Engine Using Engineering Equation Solver
K Kreider, KT Shanley
2022 Spring ASEE Middle Atlantic Section Conference, 2022
Study of Transmissivity of a Fracture under Shearing
DM Crandall, A Mofakham, GG Ahmadi, M Stadelman, KT Shanley
National Energy Technology Laboratory (NETL), Pittsburgh, PA, Morgantown, WV …, 2017
Numerical and Experimental Analysis of Sheared Fractures Flows
DM Crandall, G Ahmadi, MA Stadelman, KT Shanley, AA Mofakham
National Energy Technology Laboratory (NETL), Pittsburgh, PA, Morgantown, WV …, 2017
Effects of Geometric Variations on 2D Rough Fracture Flow
DM Crandall, G Schotte, KT Shanley
National Energy Technology Laboratory (NETL), Pittsburgh, PA, Morgantown, WV …, 2016
Moving Toward an Improved Methodology for Modeling the Manufacturing Process of Foamed Cement
DM Crandall, KT Shanley, J Chipkin
National Energy Technology Laboratory (NETL), Pittsburgh, PA, Morgantown, WV …, 2016
Computational Modeling of Fluid and Particle Flows in Rock Fractures
DM Crandall, MA Stadelman, KT Shanley, G Ahmadi, AM Amir
National Energy Technology Laboratory (NETL), Pittsburgh, PA, Morgantown, WV …, 2016
Development and Validation of an Augmentation to the Commercial CFD Software FLUENT™ Enabling the Tracking of Ellipsoidal Particles in Low Reynolds Number Flows
KT Shanley, G Ahmadi
Fluids Engineering Division Summer Meeting 43727, 2131-2138, 2009
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