Daizhan Cheng
Daizhan Cheng
Institute of Systems Science, Academy of Mathematics and Systems Science, Chinese Academy of Sciences
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Analysis and control of Boolean networks: a semi-tensor product approach
D Cheng, H Qi, Z Li
Springer Science & Business Media, 2010
Leader-following consensus of multi-agent systems under fixed and switching topologies
W Ni, D Cheng
Systems & control letters 59 (3-4), 209-217, 2010
Bridge the gap between the Lorenz system and the Chen system
J Lü, G Chen, D Cheng, S Celikovsky
International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos 12 (12), 2917-2926, 2002
Controllability and observability of Boolean control networks
D Cheng, H Qi
Automatica 45 (7), 1659-1667, 2009
A linear representation of dynamics of Boolean networks
D Cheng, H Qi
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control 55 (10), 2251-2258, 2010
An introduction to semi-tensor product of matrices and its applications
D Cheng, H Qi, Y Zhao
World Scientific, 2012
Lyapunov-based approach to multiagent systems with switching jointly connected interconnection
Y Hong, L Gao, D Cheng, J Hu
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control 52 (5), 943-948, 2007
Characterizing the synchronizability of small-world dynamical networks
J Lu, X Yu, G Chen, D Cheng
IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems I: Regular Papers 51 (4), 787-796, 2004
Adaptive finite-time control of nonlinear systems with parametric uncertainty
Y Hong, J Wang, D Cheng
IEEE Transactions on Automatic control 51 (5), 858-862, 2006
Leader-following consensus of second-order agents with multiple time-varying delays
W Zhu, D Cheng
Automatica 46 (12), 1994-1999, 2010
A new chaotic system and beyond: the generalized Lorenz-like system
J Lü, G Chen, D Cheng
International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos 14 (05), 1507-1537, 2004
Stability and stabilization of Boolean networks
D Cheng, H Qi, Z Li, JB Liu
International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control 21 (2), 134-156, 2011
Stabilization of switched linear systems
D Cheng, L Guo, Y Lin, Y Wang
IEEE transactions on automatic control 50 (5), 661-666, 2005
Modeling, analysis and control of networked evolutionary games
D Cheng, F He, H Qi, T Xu
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control 60 (9), 2402-2415, 2015
Input-state incidence matrix of Boolean control networks and its applications
Y Zhao, H Qi, D Cheng
Systems & Control Letters 59 (12), 767-774, 2010
Consensus of multi‐agent linear dynamic systems
J Wang, D Cheng, X Hu
Asian Journal of Control 10 (2), 144-155, 2008
Controllability of switched bilinear systems
D Cheng
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control 50 (4), 511-515, 2005
Disturbance decoupling of Boolean control networks
D Cheng
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control 56 (1), 2-10, 2010
Optimal control of logical control networks
Y Zhao, Z Li, D Cheng
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control 56 (8), 1766-1776, 2010
Dissipative hamiltonian realization and energy-based L/sub 2/-disturbance attenuation control of multimachine power systems
Y Wang, D Cheng, C Li, Y Ge
IEEE transactions on automatic control 48 (8), 1428-1433, 2003
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