Vladimir Druskin
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2.5 D forward and inverse modeling for interpreting low-frequency electromagnetic measurements
A Abubakar, TM Habashy, VL Druskin, L Knizhnerman, D Alumbaugh
Geophysics 73 (4), F165-F177, 2008
Extended Krylov subspaces: approximation of the matrix square root and related functions
V Druskin, L Knizhnerman
SIAM Journal on Matrix Analysis and Applications 19 (3), 755-771, 1998
Spectral approach to solving three‐dimensional Maxwell's diffusion equations in the time and frequency domains
V Druskin, L Knizhnerman
Radio Science 29 (4), 937-953, 1994
An efficient finite-difference scheme for electromagnetic logging in 3D anisotropic inhomogeneous media
S Davydycheva, V Druskin, T Habashy
Geophysics 68 (5), 1525-1536, 2003
Adaptive rational Krylov subspaces for large-scale dynamical systems
V Druskin, V Simoncini
Systems & Control Letters 60 (8), 546-560, 2011
Two polynomial methods of calculating functions of symmetric matrices
VL Druskin, LA Knizhnerman
USSR Computational Mathematics and Mathematical Physics 29 (6), 112-121, 1989
Gaussian spectral rules for the three-point second differences: I. A two-point positive definite problem in a semi-infinite domain
V Druskin, L Knizhnerman
SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis 37 (2), 403-422, 1999
Krylov subspace approximation of eigenpairs and matrix functions in exact and computer arithmetic
V Druskin, L Knizhnerman
Numerical linear algebra with applications 2 (3), 205-217, 1995
New spectral Lanczos decomposition method for induction modeling in arbitrary 3-D geometry
VL Druskin, LA Knizhnerman, P Lee
Geophysics 64 (3), 701-706, 1999
Analysis of the rational Krylov subspace and ADI methods for solving the Lyapunov equation
V Druskin, L Knizhnerman, V Simoncini
SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis 49 (5), 1875-1898, 2011
Solution of large scale evolutionary problems using rational Krylov subspaces with optimized shifts
V Druskin, L Knizhnerman, M Zaslavsky
SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing 31 (5), 3760-3780, 2009
A reduced order model approach to inverse scattering in lossy layered media
L Borcea, V Druskin, J Zimmerling
Journal of Scientific Computing 89 (1), 1, 2021
On optimal finite-difference approximation of PML
S Asvadurov, V Druskin, MN Guddati, L Knizhnerman
SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis 41 (1), 287-305, 2003
Using nonorthogonal Lanczos vectors in the computation of matrix functions
V Druskin, A Greenbaum, L Knizhnerman
SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing 19 (1), 38-54, 1998
On adaptive choice of shifts in rational Krylov subspace reduction of evolutionary problems
V Druskin, C Lieberman, M Zaslavsky
SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing 32 (5), 2485-2496, 2010
Optimal finite difference grids and rational approximations of the square root I. Elliptic problems
D Ingerman, V Druskin, L Knizhnerman
Communications on Pure and Applied Mathematics: A Journal Issued by the …, 2000
A finite difference scheme for elliptic equations with rough coefficients using a Cartesian grid nonconforming to interfaces
S Moskow, V Druskin, T Habashy, P Lee, S Davydycheva
SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis 36 (2), 442-464, 1999
A spectral semi-discrete method for numerical solution of 3-D non-stationary problems in electrical prospecting
V Druskin
Phys. Sol. Earth 24, 641-648, 1988
Interpretation of 3-D effects in long-offset transient electromagnetic (LOTEM) soundings in the Münsterland area/Germany
A Hördt, VL Druskin, LA Knizhnerman, KM Strack
Geophysics 57 (9), 1127-1137, 1992
Determining formation resistivity anisotropy in the presence of invasion
T Barber, B Anderson, A Abubakar, T Broussard, KC Chen, ...
SPE Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition?, SPE-90526-MS, 2004
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Articles 1–20