Merten  Stender
Merten Stender
TU Berlin, Chair of Cyber-Physical Systems in Mechanical Engineering
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Deep learning for brake squeal: Brake noise detection, characterization and prediction
M Stender, M Tiedemann, D Spieler, D Schoepflin, N Hoffmann, S Oberst
Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing 149, 107181, 2021
Impact of an irregular friction formulation on dynamics of a minimal model for brake squeal
M Stender, M Tiedemann, N Hoffmann, S Oberst
Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing 107, 439-451, 2018
Establishing a common database of ice experiments and using machine learning to understand and predict ice behavior
L Kellner, M Stender, H Herrnring, S Ehlers, N Hoffmann, KV Høyland
Cold Regions Science and Technology 162, 56-73, 2019
Multiple spatially localized dynamical states in friction-excited oscillator chains
A Papangelo, N Hoffmann, A Grolet, M Stender, M Ciavarella
Journal of Sound and Vibration 417, 56-64, 2018
Complex machine dynamics: Systematic recurrence quantification analysis of disk brake vibration data
M Stender, S Oberst, M Tiedemann, N Hoffmann
Nonlinear Dynamics 97 (4), 2483-2497, 2019
Recovery of differential equations from impulse response time series data for model identification and feature extraction
M Stender, S Oberst, N Hoffmann
Vibration 2019 (2(1)), 25-46, 2019
Revealing transitions in friction-excited vibrations by nonlinear time-series analysis
M Stender, M Di Bartolomeo, F Massi, N Hoffmann
Nonlinear dynamics 98, 2613-2630, 2019
Determining growth rates of instabilities from time-series vibration data: Methods and applications for brake squeal
M Stender, M Tiedemann, L Hoffmann, N Hoffmann
Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing 129, 250-264, 2019
The non-linear behavior of aqueous model ice in downward flexure
R Ettema, S Gralher, L Kellner, M Stender
Cold Regions Science and Technology 165, 102775, 2019
DIC measurement of the kinematics of a friction damper for turbine applications
L Pesaresi, M Stender, V Ruffini, CW Schwingshackl
Dynamics of Coupled Structures, Volume 4: Proceedings of the 35th IMAC, A …, 2017
bSTAB: an open-source software for computing the basin stability of multi-stable dynamical systems
M Stender, N Hoffmann
Nonlinear Dynamics 107 (2), 1451-1468, 2022
Reconstruction of Governing Equations from Vibration Measurements for Geometrically Nonlinear Systems
M Didonna, M Stender, A Papangelo, F Fontanela, M Ciavarella, ...
Lubricants 7 (8), 64, 2019
Predicting compressive strength and behavior of ice and analyzing feature importance with explainable machine learning models
L Kellner, M Stender, FB und Polach, S Ehlers
Ocean Engineering 255, 111396, 2022
Exploring the application of reinforcement learning to wind farm control
H Korb, H Asmuth, M Stender, S Ivanell
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1934 (1), 012022, 2021
Hyperchaos co-existing with periodic orbits in a frictional oscillator
M Stender, M Jahn, N Hoffmann, J Wallaschek
Journal of Sound and Vibration 472, 115203, 2020
The extended periodic motion concept for fast limit cycle detection of self-excited systems
M Jahn, M Stender, S Tatzko, N Hoffmann, A Grolet, J Wallaschek
Computers & Structures 227, 106139, 2020
Explainable machine learning determines effects on the sound absorption coefficient measured in the impedance tube
M Stender, C Adams, M Wedler, A Grebel, N Hoffmann
The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 149 (3), 1932-1945, 2021
Multi-scale dynamics of particle dampers using wavelets: Extracting particle activity metrics from ring down experiments
C Gnanasambandham, M Stender, N Hoffmann, P Eberhard
Journal of Sound and Vibration 454, 1-13, 2019
Structural design with joints for maximum dissipation
M Stender, A Papangelo, M Allen, M Brake, C Schwingshackl, ...
Shock & Vibration, Aircraft/Aerospace, Energy Harvesting, Acoustics & Optics …, 2016
Spatially localized vibrations in a rotor subjected to flutter
A Nitti, M Stender, N Hoffmann, A Papangelo
Nonlinear Dynamics 103, 309-325, 2021
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