Claudia Bongiovanni
Cited by
Cited by
The electric autonomous dial-a-ride problem
C Bongiovanni, M Kaspi, N Geroliminis
Transportation Research Part B: Methodological 122, 436-456, 2019
A machine learning-driven two-phase metaheuristic for autonomous ridesharing operations
C Bongiovanni, M Kaspi, JF Cordeau, N Geroliminis
Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review 165, 102835, 2022
A ride time-oriented scheduling algorithm for dial-a-ride problems
C Bongiovanni, N Geroliminis, M Kaspi
Computers & Operations Research 165, 106588, 2024
A predictive large neighborhood search for the dynamic electric autonomous dial-a-ride problem
C Bongiovanni, M Kaspi, JF Cordeau, N Geroliminis
hEART 2020 Accepted Papers (online), 2020
A two phase heuristic approach for the dynamic electric autonomous dial-a-ride problem
C Bongiovanni, M Kaspi, N Geroliminis
hEART Conference, 2018
A Benders decomposition for maximum simulated likelihood estimation of advanced discrete choice models
T Haering, C Bongiovanni, M Bierlaire
Proceedings of the 22nd Swiss Transport Research Conference (STRC), 2022
Benders decomposition for choice-based optimization problems with discrete upper-level variables
S Bortolomiol, V Lurkin, M Bierlaire, C Bongiovanni
A Learning Large Neighborhood Search for The Dynamic Electric Autonomous Dial-A-Ride Problem
C Bongiovanni, M Kaspi, JF Cordeau, N Geroliminis
hEART 2019-8th Symposium of the European Association for Research in …, 2019
A time-dependent analytical traffic model to tackle dynamic Bayesian optimization problems in urban transportation
T Taya, C Bongiovannib, C Osoriob
Optimization algorithms for advanced behavioral demand models
M Bierlaire, C Bongiovanni, S Bortolomiol
The electric autonomous dial-a-ride problem
C Bongiovanni
EPFL, 2020
Dial-a-Ride Transit Systems: Optimization and adaptive network design strategies for large complex networks
C Bongiovanni, N Geroliminis
5th symposium arranged by European Association for Research in …, 2016
The Electric Autonomous Dial-a-Ride Problem: An Optimization Framework for Routing, Scheduling, and Battery
C Bongiovanni, M Kaspi, N Geroliminis
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Articles 1–13