Dirk Martin (Mark) Luchtenburg
Dirk Martin (Mark) Luchtenburg
Associate Professor of Mechanical Engineering, Cooper Union
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On dynamic mode decomposition: Theory and applications
JNK Jonathan H. Tu, Clarence W. Rowley, Dirk M. Luchtenburg, Steven L. Brunton
Journal of Computational Dynamics 1 (2), 391-421, 2014
Low-dimensional modelling of a transient cylinder wake using double proper orthogonal decomposition
SG Siegel, J Seidel, C Fagley, DM Luchtenburg, K Cohen, T McLaughlin
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 610, 1-42, 2008
A generalized mean-field model of the natural and high-frequency actuated flow around a high-lift configuration
DM Luchtenburg, B Günther, BR Noack, R King, G Tadmor
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 623, 283-316, 2009
Spatiotemporal characterization of a conical swirler flow field under strong forcing
A Lacarelle, T Faustmann, D Greenblatt, CO Paschereit, O Lehmann, ...
An introduction to the POD Galerkin method for fluid flows with analytical examples and MATLAB source codes
DM Luchtenburg, BR Noack, M Schlegel
Berlin Institute of Technology MB1, Muller-Breslau-Strabe 11, 2009
Wake stabilization using POD Galerkin models with interpolated modes
O Lehmann, M Luchtenburg, BR Noack, R King, M Morzynski, G Tadmor
Proceedings of the 44th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, 500-505, 2005
Long-time uncertainty propagation using generalized polynomial chaos and flow map composition
DM Luchtenburg, SL Brunton, CW Rowley
Journal of Computational Physics 274, 783-802, 2014
Unsteady high-angle-of-attack aerodynamic models of a generic jet transport
DM Luchtenburg, CW Rowley, MW Lohry, L Martinelli, RF Stengel
Journal of Aircraft 52 (3), 890-895, 2015
Modal analysis of complex turbulent flow
O Frederich, DM Luchtenburg
Seventh International Symposium on Turbulence and Shear Flow Phenomena, 2011
Reduced-order modelling of turbulent jets for noise control
M Schlegel, BR Noack, P Comte, D Kolomenskiy, K Schneider, M Farge, ...
Numerical Simulation of Turbulent Flows and Noise Generation: Results of the …, 2009
Tuned POD Galerkin models for transient feedback regulation of the cylinder wake
M Luchtenburg, G Tadmor, O Lehmann, B Noack, R King, M Morzynski
44th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting and Exhibit, 1407, 2006
Large-scale dynamics in the flow around a finite cylinder with a ground plate
O Frederich, J Scouten, DM Luchtenburg, F Thiele
Fluid Dynamics Research 43 (1), 015504, 2010
Robust nonlinear control versus linear model predictive control of a bluff body wake
K Aleksic, M Luchtenburg, R King, B Noack, J Pfeifer
5th Flow Control Conference, 4833, 2010
Turbulence control based on reduced-order models and nonlinear control design
DM Luchtenburg, K Aleksić, M Schlegel, BR Noack, R King, G Tadmor, ...
Active Flow Control II: Papers Contributed to the Conference” Active Flow …, 2010
Model reduction using snapshot-based realizations
DM Luchtenburg, CW Rowley
Bulletin of the American Physical Society 56 (18), 2011
Combination of image postprocessing tools to identify coherent structures of premixed flames
A Lacarelle, DM Luchtenburg, MR Bothien, BR Noack, CO Paschereit
AIAA journal 48 (8), 1708-1720, 2010
On dynamic mode decomposition: theory and applications (2013)
JH Tu, CW Rowley, DM Luchtenburg, SL Brunton, JN Kutz
arXiv preprint arXiv:1312.0041, 0
Sensor Placement for Closed-Loop Flow Control of a" D" Shaped Cylinder Wake
K Cohen, S Siegel, M Luchtenburg, T McLaughlin, A Seifert
2nd AIAA flow control conference, 2523, 2004
A multisensor data fusion approach for simultaneous localization and mapping
Z Jin, Y Shao, M So, C Sable, N Shlayan, DM Luchtenburg
2019 IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems Conference (ITSC), 1317-1322, 2019
Low order Galerkin models for the actuated flow around 2-D airfoils
G Tadmor, M Centuori, O Lehmann, B Noack, M Luctenburg, M Morzynski
45th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting and Exhibit, 1313, 2007
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