Elena De Santis
Elena De Santis
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On observability and detectability of continuous-time linear switching systems
E De Santis, MD Di Benedetto, G Pola
42nd IEEE International Conference on Decision and Control (IEEE Cat. No …, 2003
Computation of maximal safe sets for switching systems
E De Santis, MD Di Benedetto, L Berardi
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control 49 (2), 184-195, 2004
Nonlinear control of a DC microgrid for the integration of photovoltaic panels
A Iovine, SB Siad, G Damm, E De Santis, MD Di Benedetto
IEEE Transactions on automation science and engineering 14 (2), 524-535, 2017
Power management for a DC MicroGrid integrating renewables and storages
A Iovine, T Rigaut, G Damm, E De Santis, MD Di Benedetto
Control Engineering Practice 85, 59-79, 2019
Digital idle speed control of automotive engines: A safety problem for hybrid systems
E De Santis, MD Di Benedetto, G Pola
Nonlinear Analysis: Theory, Methods & Applications 65 (9), 1705-1724, 2006
Constrained control of switching systems: a positive invariant approach
A Benzaouia, E De Santis, P Caravani, N Daraoui
International Journal of Control 80 (9), 1379-1387, 2007
Critical observability of a class of hybrid systems and application to air traffic management
E De Santis, MD Di Benedetto, S Di Gennaro, A D’Innocenzo, G Pola
Stochastic Hybrid Systems: Theory and Safety Critical Applications, 141-170, 2006
On positively invariant sets for discrete-time linear systems with disturbance: an application of maximal disturbance sets
E De Santis
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control 39 (1), 245-249, 1994
Communication control and driving assistance to a platoon of vehicles in heavy traffic and scarce visibility
P Caravani, E De Santis, F Graziosi, E Panizzi
IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems 7 (4), 448-460, 2006
On location observability notions for switching systems
E De Santis
Systems & Control Letters 60 (10), 807-814, 2011
Observability and diagnosability of finite state systems: A unifying framework
E De Santis, MD Di Benedetto
Automatica 81, 115-122, 2017
A structural approach to detectability for a class of hybrid systems
E De Santis, MD Di Benedetto, G Pola
Automatica 45 (5), 1202-1206, 2009
Observer‐based stabilization of linear switching systems
P Caravani, E De Santis
International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control: IFAC‐Affiliated …, 2009
Design of decentralized critical observers for networks of finite state machines: A formal method approach
G Pola, E De Santis, MD Di Benedetto, D Pezzuti
Automatica 86, 174-182, 2017
Stabilizability of linear switching systems
E De Santis, MD Di Benedetto, G Pola
Nonlinear Analysis: Hybrid Systems 2 (3), 750-764, 2008
Observability of hybrid dynamical systems
E De Santis, MD Di Benedetto
Foundations and Trends® in Systems and Control 3 (4), 363-540, 2016
Nonlinear control of an AC-connected DC MicroGrid
A Iovine, SB Siad, G Damm, E De Santis, MD Di Benedetto
IECON 2016-42nd Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society …, 2016
Controlled invariance and feedback laws
P d'Alessandro, E De Santis
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control 46 (7), 1141-1146, 2001
Techniques of linear programming based on the theory of convex cones
P D'Alessandbo, M Dalla Moba, E De Santis
Optimization 20 (6), 761-777, 1989
Hybrid observer design methodology
E De Santis, MD Di Benedetto, S Di Gennaro, G Pola
Public deliverable D 7, 2003
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