Critical slowing down and error analysis in lattice QCD simulations S Schaefer, R Sommer, F Virotta, Alpha Collaboration
Nuclear Physics B 845 (1), 93-119, 2011
376 2011 Simulation of QCD with N f= 2+ 1 flavors of non-perturbatively improved Wilson fermions M Bruno, D Djukanovic, GP Engel, A Francis, G Herdoiza, H Horch, ...
Journal of High Energy Physics 2015 (2), 1-29, 2015
373 2015 Lattice QCD without topology barriers M Lüscher, S Schaefer
Journal of High Energy Physics 2011 (7), 1-22, 2011
362 2011 The strange quark mass and Lambda parameter of two flavor QCD P Fritzsch, F Knechtli, B Leder, M Marinkovic, S Schaefer, R Sommer, ...
Nuclear Physics B 865 (3), 397-429, 2012
293 2012 Lattice QCD with open boundary conditions and twisted-mass reweighting M Lüscher, S Schaefer
Computer Physics Communications 184 (3), 519-528, 2013
285 2013 Setting the scale for the CLS flavor ensembles M Bruno, T Korzec, S Schaefer
Physical Review D 95 (7), 074504, 2017
258 2017 Hypercubic smeared links for dynamical fermions A Hasenfratz, R Hoffmann, S Schaefer
Journal of High Energy Physics 2007 (05), 029, 2007
198 2007 QCD Coupling from a Nonperturbative Determination of the Three-Flavor Parameter M Bruno, MD Brida, P Fritzsch, T Korzec, A Ramos, S Schaefer, H Simma, ...
Physical review letters 119 (10), 102001, 2017
178 2017 Improving meson two-point functions in lattice QCD T DeGrand, S Schaefer
Computer physics communications 159 (3), 185-191, 2004
146 2004 Reweighting towards the chiral limit A Hasenfratz, R Hoffmann, S Schaefer
Physical Review D—Particles, Fields, Gravitation, and Cosmology 78 (1), 014515, 2008
131 2008 Improvement of Nf= 3 lattice QCD with Wilson fermions and tree-level improved gauge action J Bulava, S Schaefer
Nuclear Physics B 874 (1), 188-197, 2013
125 2013 Quenched spectroscopy with fixed-point and chirally improved fermions C Gattringer, M Göckeler, P Hasenfratz, S Hauswirth, K Holland, T Jörg, ...
Nuclear Physics B 677 (1-2), 3-51, 2004
119 2004 Setting the scale for the Lüscher-Weisz action C Gattringer, R Hoffmann, S Schaefer
Physical Review D 65 (9), 094503, 2002
105 2002 New findings for topological excitations in SU (3) lattice gauge theory C Gattringer, S Schaefer
Nuclear Physics B 654 (1-2), 30-60, 2003
87 2003 Topological susceptibility and the sampling of field space in N f= 2 lattice QCD simulations M Bruno, S Schaefer, R Sommer
Journal of High Energy Physics 2014 (8), 1-19, 2014
81 2014 Low energy chiral constants from epsilon-regime simulations with improved Wilson fermions A Hasenfratz, R Hoffmann, S Schaefer
Physical Review D—Particles, Fields, Gravitation, and Cosmology 78 (5), 054511, 2008
76 2008 Lattice calculation of vector meson couplings to the vector and tensor currents using chirally improved fermions VM Braun, T Burch, C Gattringer, M Göckeler, G Lacagnina, S Schaefer, ...
Physical Review D 68 (5), 054501, 2003
76 2003 Physics issues in simulations with dynamical overlap fermions T DeGrand, S Schaefer
Physical Review D—Particles, Fields, Gravitation, and Cosmology 71 (3), 034507, 2005
74 2005 A comprehensive picture of topological excitations in finite temperature lattice QCD C Gattringer, M Göckeler, PEL Rakow, S Schaefer, A Schaefer
Nuclear Physics B 618 (1-2), 205-240, 2001
74 2001 Domain decomposition, multilevel integration, and exponential noise reduction in lattice QCD M Cè, L Giusti, S Schaefer
Physical Review D 93 (9), 094507, 2016
73 2016