Daniel Schwabe
Daniel Schwabe
Professor of Informatics, Pontificia Universidade Católica (PUC), Rio de Janeiro (ret)
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HDM—a model-based approach to hypertext application design
F Garzotto, P Paolini, D Schwabe
ACM Transactions on Information Systems (TOIS) 11 (1), 1-26, 1993
An object oriented approach to web-based applications design
D Schwabe, G Rossi
TAPOS 4 (4), 207-225, 1998
The object-oriented hypermedia design model
D Schwabe, G Rossi
Communications of the ACM 38 (8), 45-46, 1995
Systematic hypermedia application design with OOHDM
D Schwabe, G Rossi, SDJ Barbosa
Proceedings of the the seventh ACM conference on Hypertext, 116-128, 1996
A hybrid approach for searching in the semantic web
C Rocha, D Schwabe, MP Aragao
Proceedings of the 13th international conference on World Wide Web, 374-383, 2004
Designing personalized web applications
G Rossi, D Schwabe, R Guimarães
Proceedings of the 10th international conference on World Wide Web, 275-284, 2001
Web engineering: modelling and implementing web applications
G Rossi, O Pastor, D Schwabe, L Olsina
Springer Science & Business Media, 2007
Developing hypermedia applications using OOHDM
D Schwabe, G Rossi
Workshop on Hypermedia Development Process, Methods and Models, Hypertext 98 …, 1998
Design reuse in hypermedia applications development
G Rossi, D Schwabe, A Garrido
Proceedings of the eighth ACM conference on Hypertext, 57-66, 1997
Web application models are more than conceptual models
G Rossi, D Schwabe, F Lyardet
Advances in Conceptual Modeling: ER’99 Workshops on Evolution and Change in …, 1999
HDM—A model for the design of hypertext applications
F Garzotto, P Paolini, D Schwabe
Proceedings of the third annual ACM conference on Hypertext, 313-328, 1991
Engineering web applications for reuse
D Schwabe, L Esmeraldo, G Rossi, F Lyardet
IEEE MultiMedia 8 (1), 20-31, 2001
OOHDM-Web: an environment for implementation of hypermedia applications in the WWW
D Schwabe, R de Almeida Pontes, I Moura
ACM SigWEB Newsletter 8 (2), 18-34, 1999
Modeling interactions and navigation in web applications
N Güell, D Schwabe, P Vilain
Conceptual Modeling for E-Business and the Web: ER 2000 Workshops on …, 2000
Improving Web information systems with navigational patterns
G Rossi, D Schwabe, F Lyardet
Computer Networks 31 (11-16), 1667-1678, 1999
A diagrammatic tool for representing user interaction in UML
P Vilain, D Schwabe, CS de Souza
≪ UML≫ 2000—The Unified Modeling Language: Advancing the Standard Third …, 2000
A survey on web modeling approaches for ubiquitous web applications
W Schwinger, W Retschitzegger, A Schauerhuber, G Kappel, M Wimmer, ...
International Journal of Web Information Systems 4 (3), 234-305, 2008
Designing the interface of rich internet applications
M Urbieta, G Rossi, J Ginzburg, D Schwabe
2007 Latin American Web Conference (LA-WEB 2007), 144-153, 2007
Building hypermedia applications as navigational views of information models
D Schwabe, G Rossi
Proceedings of the Twenty-Eighth Annual Hawaii International Conference on …, 1995
Serimi-resource description similarity, rdf instance matching and interlinking
S Araujo, J Hidders, D Schwabe, AP De Vries
arXiv preprint arXiv:1107.1104, 2011
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