Philippe Nain
Philippe Nain
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The message delay in mobile ad hoc networks
R Groenevelt, P Nain, G Koole
Performance Evaluation 62 (1-4), 210-228, 2005
Mobility improves coverage of sensor networks
B Liu, P Brass, O Dousse, P Nain, D Towsley
Proceedings of the 6th ACM international symposium on Mobile ad hoc …, 2005
Properties of random direction models
P Nain, D Towsley, B Liu, Z Liu
Proceedings IEEE 24th Annual Joint Conference of the IEEE Computer and …, 2005
A survey of TCP over ad hoc networks.
A Al Hanbali, E Altman, P Nain
IEEE Commun. Surv. Tutorials 7 (1-4), 22-36, 2005
Dynamic coverage of mobile sensor networks
B Liu, O Dousse, P Nain, D Towsley
IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed systems 24 (2), 301-311, 2012
On achievable service differentiation with token bucket marking for TCP
S Sahu, P Nain, C Diot, V Firoiu, D Towsley
ACM SIGMETRICS Performance Evaluation Review 28 (1), 23-33, 2000
On optimal polling policies
Z Liu, P Nain, D Towsley
Queueing Systems 11, 59-83, 1992
Performance of ad hoc networks with two-hop relay routing and limited packet lifetime
AA Hanbali, P Nain, E Altman
Proceedings of the 1st international conference on Performance evaluation …, 2006
Analysis of TTL-based cache networks
NC Fofack, P Nain, G Neglia, D Towsley
6th international ICST conference on performance evaluation methodologies …, 2012
Performance evaluation of hierarchical TTL-based cache networks
NC Fofack, P Nain, G Neglia, D Towsley
Computer Networks 65, 212-231, 2014
Message delay in manet
R Groenevelt, P Nain, G Koole
Proceedings of the 2005 ACM SIGMETRICS international conference on …, 2005
On the stochastic analysis of a quantum entanglement switch
G Vardoyan, S Guha, P Nain, D Towsley
ACM SIGMETRICS Performance Evaluation Review 47 (2), 27-29, 2019
Asymptotic behavior of a multiplexer fed by a long-range dependent process
Z Liu, P Nain, D Towsley, ZL Zhang
Journal of Applied Probability 36 (1), 105-118, 1999
Relaying in mobile ad hoc networks: The Brownian motion mobility model
R Groenevelt, E Altman, P Nain
Wireless Networks 12, 561-571, 2006
Optimal priority assignment with hard constraint
P Nain, K Ross
IEEE transactions on Automatic Control 31 (10), 883-888, 1986
On a reduced load equivalence for fluid queues under subexponentiality
R Agrawal, AM Makowski, P Nain
Queueing Systems 33, 5-41, 1999
Inferring network characteristics via moment-based estimators
S Alouf, P Nain, D Towsley
Proceedings IEEE INFOCOM 2001. Conference on Computer Communications …, 2001
Closed-loop control with delayed information
E Altman, P Nain
ACM sigmetrics performance evaluation review 20 (1), 193-204, 1992
A simple fluid model for the analysis of the squirrel peer-to-peer caching system
F Clévenot, P Nain
IEEE INFOCOM 2004 1, 2004
A new efficient caching policy for the World Wide Web
N Niclausse, Z Liu, P Nain
Proceedings of the Workshop on Internet Server Performance, 119-128, 1998
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