Mesbah Uddin Ahmed
Mesbah Uddin Ahmed
Senior Pavement Engineer
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Modeling of FWD Deflection Basin to Evaluate Airport Pavements
RA Tarefder, MU Ahmed
International Journal of Geomechanics 14 (2), 205-213, 2013
Consistency and accuracy of selected FWD backcalculation software for computing layer modulus of airport pavements
RA Tarefder, MU Ahmed
International Journal of Geotechnical Engineering 7 (1), 21-35, 2013
Combined effect of asphalt concrete cross-anisotropy and temperature variation on pavement stress–strain under dynamic loading
MU Ahmed, A Rahman, MR Islam, RA Tarefder
Construction and Building Materials 93, 685-694, 2015
Incorporation of GPR and FWD into Pavement Mechanistic-Empirical design
RAT MU Ahmed
Journal of Construction Building Material 154, 1272-1282, 2017
Effect of Cross-Anisotropy of Hot-Mix Asphalt Modulus on Falling Weight Deflections and Embedded Sensor Stress-Strain
MU Ahmed, RA Tarefder, MR Islam
Transportation Research Record 2369, 20-29, 2013
Evaluation of FWD software and deflection basin for airport pavements
MU Ahmed
University of New Mexico, 2010
Effects of cross-anisotropy and stress-dependency of pavement layers on pavement responses under dynamic truck loading
RA Tarefder, MU Ahmed, A Rahman
Journal of Rock Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering 8 (3), 366-377, 2016
Investigating stress dependency of unbound layers using falling-weight deflectometer and resilient modulus tests
MU Ahmed, MM Hasan, RA Tarefder
Geotechnical Testing Journal 39 (6), 954-964, 2016
Neural Network–Based Thickness Determination Model to Improve Backcalculation of Layer Moduli without Coring
RA Tarefder, S Ahsan, MU Ahmed
International Journal of Geomechanics, 1-12, 2014
Ground penetrating radar for measuring thickness of an unbound layer of a pavement
RA Tarefder, MU Ahmed
Advances in Human Factors, Software, and Systems Engineering: Proceedings of …, 2018
Variation of FWD modulus due to incorporation of GPR predicted laye thicknesses
M Ahmed, R Tarefder, A Maji
Proceedings of the 15th international conference on ground penetrating radar …, 2014
Finite Element Model of a Pavement Response Under Load Considering Cross-Anisotropy in Unbound Layers
RA Tarefder, MU Ahmed, MR Islam, MT Rahman
Advances in Civil Engineering Materials 3 (1), 57-75, 2014
Incorporating transmitter–receiver offset to interpret pavement layer thicknesses by GPR
MU Ahmed, RA Tarefder, AK Maji
Case Studies in Nondestructive Testing and Evaluation 6 (Part A), 94-104, 2016
Impact of cross-anisotropy on embedded sensor stress–strain and pavement damage
RA Tarefder, MU Ahmed, MR Islam
European journal of environmental and civil engineering 18 (8), 845-861, 2014
Performance evaluation of the embedded sensors in the I-40 Pavement in New Mexico
MR Islam, MU Ahmed, RA Tarefder
ICSDEC 2012: Developing the Frontier of Sustainable Design, Engineering, and …, 2012
Evaluation of the FWD moduli of a flexible pavement using finite element model
MR Islam, MU Ahmed, RA Tarefder
International Journal of Civil and Environmental Engineering 7 (1), 94-98, 2013
Evaluating Functional and Structural Condition Based Maintenances of Airfield Pavements.
RA Tarefder, MU Ahmed, MM Rahman
Journal of Civil Engineering Science and Application 15 (2), 1-20, 2013
On cross-anisotropy of flexible pavement layer materials for improved pavement responses
MU Ahmed
The University of New Mexico, 2016
A Study on Cross-anisotropy of Unbound Layers of Pavement Considering Nonlinearity
MU Ahmed, RA Tarefder, MR Islam, MT Rahman
International Journal of Pavement Research and Technology 7 (4), 263-272, 2014
Effects of unbound layer cross-anisotropy on pavement responses
MU Ahmed, RA Tarefder, RM Islam, MT Rahman
Transportation Research Board 93rd Annual MeetingTransportation Research Board, 2014
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Articles 1–20