Thomas Herzog
Thomas Herzog
PhD Student IHFG Uni Stuttgart
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3D printed micro-optics for quantum technology: Optimized coupling of single quantum dot emission into a single mode fiber
M Sartison, K Weber, S Thiele, L Bremer, S Fischbach, T Herzog, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:2007.06369, 2020
On-chip beamsplitter operation on single photons from quasi-resonantly excited quantum dots embedded in GaAs rib waveguides
U Rengstl, M Schwartz, T Herzog, F Hargart, M Paul, SL Portalupi, ...
Applied Physics Letters 107 (2), 2015
Generation, guiding and splitting of triggered single photons from a resonantly excited quantum dot in a photonic circuit
M Schwartz, U Rengstl, T Herzog, M Paul, J Kettler, SL Portalupi, M Jetter, ...
Optics express 24 (3), 3089-3094, 2016
Pure single-photon emission from In (Ga) As QDs in a tunable fiber-based external mirror microcavity
T Herzog, M Sartison, S Kolatschek, S Hepp, A Bommer, C Pauly, ...
Quantum Science and Technology 3 (3), 034009, 2018
Realization of a tunable fiber-based double cavity system
T Herzog, S Böhrkircher, S Both, M Fischer, R Sittig, M Jetter, SL Portalupi, ...
Physical Review B 102 (23), 235306, 2020
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