Krzysztof Rolbiecki
Krzysztof Rolbiecki
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Supersymmetry parameter analysis: SPA convention and project
JA Aguilar-Saavedra, A Ali, BC Allanach, R Arnowitt, HA Baer, JA Bagger, ...
The European Physical Journal C-Particles and Fields 46, 43-60, 2006
CheckMATE 2: From the model to the limit
D Dercks, N Desai, JS Kim, K Rolbiecki, J Tattersall, T Weber
Computer Physics Communications 221, 383-418, 2017
Observation of a cross-section enhancement near mass threshold in
M Ablikim, MN Achasov, S Ahmed, XC Ai, O Albayrak, M Albrecht, ...
Physical Review D 97 (3), 032013, 2018
Physics at the linear collider
G Moortgat-Pick, H Baer, M Battaglia, G Belanger, K Fujii, J Kalinowski, ...
The European Physical Journal C 75 (8), 371, 2015
The CLIC potential for new physics
J De Blas, R Franceschini, F Riva, P Roloff, U Schnoor, M Spannowsky, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:1812.02093, 2018
A framework to create customised LHC analyses within CheckMATE
JS Kim, D Schmeier, J Tattersall, K Rolbiecki
Computer Physics Communications 196, 535-562, 2015
The BSM-AI project: SUSY-AI–generalizing LHC limits on supersymmetry with machine learning
S Caron, JS Kim, K Rolbiecki, RR de Austri, B Stienen
The European Physical Journal C 77, 1-25, 2017
From the LHC to future colliders: CERN Theory Institute summary report
A De Roeck, J Ellis, C Grojean, S Heinemeyer, K Jakobs, G Weiglein, ...
The European Physical Journal C 66, 525-583, 2010
What is a Natural SUSY scenario?
JA Casas, JM Moreno, S Robles, K Rolbiecki, B Zaldivar
Journal of High Energy Physics 2015 (6), 1-45, 2015
A resonance without resonance: scrutinizing the diphoton excess at 750 GeV
JS Kim, J Reuter, K Rolbiecki, RR de Austri
Physics Letters B 755, 403-408, 2016
Tackling light higgsinos at the ILC
M Berggren, F Brümmer, J List, G Moortgat-Pick, T Robens, K Rolbiecki, ...
The European Physical Journal C 73 (12), 2660, 2013
Model-independent combination of diphoton constraints at 750 GeV
JS Kim, K Rolbiecki, RR de Austri
The European Physical Journal C 76, 1-8, 2016
Light stops emerging in WW cross section measurements?
K Rolbiecki, K Sakurai
Journal of High Energy Physics 2013 (9), 1-15, 2013
Les Houches" Physics at TeV Colliders 2005''Beyond the Standard Model working group: summary report
BC Allanach, C Grojean, P Skands, E Accomando, G Azuelos, H Baer, ...
arXiv preprint hep-ph/0602198, 2006
Can R-parity violation hide vanilla supersymmetry at the LHC?
M Asano, K Rolbiecki, K Sakurai
Journal of High Energy Physics 2013 (1), 1-15, 2013
The NMSSM lives: with the 750 GeV diphoton excess
F Domingo, S Heinemeyer, JS Kim, K Rolbiecki
The European Physical Journal C 76, 1-18, 2016
Analysis of the neutralino system in three–body leptonic decays of neutralinos
SY Choi, BC Chung, J Kalinowski, YG Kim, K Rolbiecki
The European Physical Journal C-Particles and Fields 46 (2), 511-520, 2006
(N) LO Simulation of Chargino Production and Decay
J Kalinowski, W Kilian, J Reuter, T Robens, K Rolbiecki
arXiv preprint arXiv:0803.4161, 2008
Towards measuring the stop mixing angle at the LHC
K Rolbiecki, J Tattersall, G Moortgat-Pick
The European Physical Journal C 71 (1), 1517, 2011
‘Stop’that ambulance! New physics at the LHC?
JS Kim, K Rolbiecki, K Sakurai, J Tattersall
Journal of High Energy Physics 2014 (12), 1-21, 2014
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Articles 1–20