B.Prasanna Venkatesh
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Zitiert von
On-chip quantum interference of a superconducting microsphere
H Pino, J Prat-Camps, K Sinha, BP Venkatesh, O Romero-Isart
Quantum Science and Technology 3 (2), 025001, 2018
Quantum performance of thermal machines over many cycles
G Watanabe, BP Venkatesh, P Talkner, A Del Campo
Physical review letters 118 (5), 050601, 2017
Quantum fluctuation theorems and generalized measurements during the force protocol
G Watanabe, BP Venkatesh, P Talkner, M Campisi, P Hänggi
Physical Review E 89 (3), 032114, 2014
Quantum statistical enhancement of the collective performance of multiple bosonic engines
G Watanabe, BP Venkatesh, P Talkner, MJ Hwang, A Del Campo
Physical Review Letters 124 (21), 210603, 2020
Quantum fluctuation theorems and power measurements
BP Venkatesh, G Watanabe, P Talkner
New Journal of Physics 17 (7), 075018, 2015
Generalized energy measurements and modified transient quantum fluctuation theorems
G Watanabe, BP Venkatesh, P Talkner
Physical Review E 89 (5), 052116, 2014
Collective effects in Casimir-Polder forces
K Sinha, BP Venkatesh, P Meystre
Physical Review Letters 121 (18), 183605, 2018
Atomic Bloch-Zener oscillations for sensitive force measurements in a cavity
B Prasanna Venkatesh, M Trupke, EA Hinds, DHJ O’Dell
Physical Review A—Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics 80 (6), 063834, 2009
Bistability in a mesoscopic Josephson junction array resonator
PR Muppalla, O Gargiulo, SI Mirzaei, BP Venkatesh, ML Juan, ...
Physical Review B 97 (2), 024518, 2018
In situ observation of optomechanical Bloch oscillations in an optical cavity
H Keßler, J Klinder, BP Venkatesh, C Georges, A Hemmerich
New Journal of Physics 18 (10), 102001, 2016
Band-structure loops and multistability in cavity QED
B Prasanna Venkatesh, J Larson, DHJ O’Dell
Physical Review A—Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics 83 (6), 063606, 2011
Transient quantum fluctuation theorems and generalized measurements
BP Venkatesh, G Watanabe, P Talkner
New Journal of Physics 16 (1), 015032, 2014
Cooperative effects in closely packed quantum emitters with collective dephasing
B Prasanna Venkatesh, ML Juan, O Romero-Isart
Physical Review Letters 120 (3), 033602, 2018
Backaction-Driven Transport of Bloch Oscillating Atoms in Ring Cavities
J Goldwin, BP Venkatesh, DHJO Dell
Physical Review Letters 113, 073003, 2014
Bloch oscillations of cold atoms in a cavity: Effects of quantum noise
BP Venkatesh, DHJ O’Dell
Physical Review A—Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics 88 (1), 013848, 2013
Nonlinear phenomena of ultracold atomic gases in optical lattices: Emergence of novel features in extended states
G Watanabe, BP Venkatesh, R Dasgupta
Entropy 18 (4), 118, 2016
Quantum transport in quasiperiodic lattice systems in the presence of Büttiker probes
M Saha, BP Venkatesh, BK Agarwalla
Physical Review B 105 (22), 224204, 2022
Generalized energy measurements and quantum work compatible with fluctuation theorems
K Ito, P Talkner, BP Venkatesh, G Watanabe
Physical Review A 99 (3), 032117, 2019
Bounds on nonequilibrium fluctuations for asymmetrically driven quantum Otto engines
S Mohanta, M Saha, BP Venkatesh, BK Agarwalla
Physical Review E 108 (1), 014118, 2023
Optimization of asymmetric quantum Otto engine cycles
R Shastri, BP Venkatesh
Physical Review E 106 (2), 024123, 2022
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