Alan Wright
Alan Wright
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Soil carbon and nitrogen storage in aggregates from different tillage and crop regimes
AL Wright, FM Hons
Soil Science Society of America Journal 69 (1), 141-147, 2005
Phosphorus loading effects on extracellular enzyme activity in Everglades wetland soils
AL Wright, KR Reddy
Soil Science Society of America Journal 65 (2), 588-595, 2001
Tillage impacts on microbial biomass and soil carbon and nitrogen dynamics of corn and cotton rotations
AL Wright, FM Hons, JE Matocha Jr
Applied Soil Ecology 29 (1), 85-92, 2005
pH regulates key players of nitrification in paddy soils
X Jiang, X Hou, X Zhou, X Xin, A Wright, Z Jia
Soil Biology and Biochemistry 81, 9-16, 2015
Sensitivity of labile soil organic carbon to tillage in wheat‐based cropping systems
F Dou, AL Wright, FM Hons
Soil Science Society of America Journal 72 (5), 1445-1453, 2008
Soil aggregation and carbon and nitrogen storage under soybean cropping sequences
AL Wright, FM Hons
Soil science society of America journal 68 (2), 507-513, 2004
Tillage impacts on soil aggregation and carbon and nitrogen sequestration under wheat cropping sequences
AL Wright, FM Hons
Soil and tillage research 84 (1), 67-75, 2005
Heterotrophic microbial activity in northern Everglades wetland soils
AL Wright, KR Reddy
Soil Science Society of America Journal 65 (6), 1856-1864, 2001
Loss‐on‐ignition method to assess soil organic carbon in calcareous Everglades wetlands
AL Wright, Y Wang, KR Reddy
Communications in soil science and plant analysis 39 (19-20), 3074-3083, 2008
Comammox Nitrospira clade B contributes to nitrification in soil
Z Wang, Y Cao, X Zhu-Barker, GW Nicol, AL Wright, Z Jia, X Jiang
Soil Biology and Biochemistry 135, 392-395, 2019
Long-term tillage effects on the distribution patterns of microbial biomass and activities within soil aggregates
X Jiang, AL Wright, J Wang, Z Li
Catena 87 (2), 276-280, 2011
Stratification of nutrients in soil for different tillage regimes and cotton rotations
AL Wright, FM Hons, RG Lemon, ML McFarland, RL Nichols
Soil and Tillage Research 96 (1-2), 19-27, 2007
Oil bioremediation in salt march mesocosms as influenced by N and P fertilization, flooding, and season
AL Wright, RW Weaver, JW Webb
Water, Air, and Soil Pollution 95, 179-191, 1997
Long-term management impacts on soil carbon and nitrogen dynamics of grazed bermudagrass pastures
AL Wright, FM Hons, FM Rouquette Jr
Soil Biology and Biochemistry 36 (11), 1809-1816, 2004
Spatial and temporal variation of soil nitrogen parameters related to soil texture and corn yield
H Shahandeh, AL Wright, FM Hons, RJ Lascano
Agronomy Journal 97 (3), 772-782, 2005
Soil organic C and N distribution for wheat cropping systems after 20 years of conservation tillage in central Texas
AL Wright, F Dou, FM Hons
Agriculture, ecosystems & environment 121 (4), 376-382, 2007
Tillage-induced changes in fungal and bacterial biomass associated with soil aggregates: A long-term field study in a subtropical rice soil in China
X Jiang, AL Wright, X Wang, F Liang
Applied Soil Ecology 48 (2), 168-173, 2011
Influence of phosphorus loading on microbial processes in the soil and water column of wetlands
KR Reddy, JR White, A Wright, T Chua
Phosphorus biogeochemistry in subtropical ecosystems. Lewis Publishers, New …, 1999
Carbon and nitrogen sequestration and soil aggregation under sorghum cropping sequences
AL Wright, FM Hons
Biology and fertility of soils 41, 95-100, 2005
Soil phosphorus stocks and distribution in chemical fractions for long-term sugarcane, pasture, turfgrass, and forest systems in Florida
AL Wright
Nutrient Cycling in Agroecosystems 83, 223-231, 2009
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Articles 1–20