Statistical analysis of microstructures in materials science J Ohser, F Mücklich
John Wiley & Sons, 2000
780 2000 Advanced steel microstructural classification by deep learning methods SM Azimi, D Britz, M Engstler, M Fritz, F Mücklich
Scientific reports 8 (1), 2128, 2018
453 2018 Electronic structures of , and CuO: A joint experimental and theoretical study Y Wang, S Lany, J Ghanbaja, Y Fagot-Revurat, YP Chen, F Soldera, ...
Physical Review B 94 (24), 245418, 2016
381 2016 One-and two-dimensional photonic crystal microcavities in single crystal diamond J Riedrich-Möller, L Kipfstuhl, C Hepp, E Neu, C Pauly, F Mücklich, A Baur, ...
Nature nanotechnology 7 (1), 69, 2012
331 2012 Nanoscale surface modification of AISI 316L stainless steel by severe shot peening S Bagherifard, S Slawik, I Fernández-Pariente, C Pauly, F Mücklich, ...
Materials & Design 102, 68-77, 2016
263 2016 Wear behavior of dental Y-TZP ceramic against natural enamel after different finishing procedures G Mitov, SD Heintze, S Walz, K Woll, F Muecklich, P Pospiech
Dental materials 28 (8), 909-918, 2012
254 2012 Contact killing of bacteria on copper is suppressed if bacterial-metal contact is prevented and is induced on iron by copper ions S Mathews, M Hans, F Mücklich, M Solioz
Applied and environmental microbiology 79 (8), 2605-2611, 2013
230 2013 Deterministic coupling of a single silicon-vacancy color center to a photonic crystal cavity in diamond J Riedrich-Moller, C Arend, C Pauly, F Mucklich, M Fischer, S Gsell, ...
Nano letters 14 (9), 5281-5287, 2014
191 2014 Transmittance enhancement and optical band gap widening of Cu2O thin films after air annealing Y Wang, P Miska, D Pilloud, D Horwat, F Mücklich, JF Pierson
Journal of Applied Physics 115 (7), 2014
188 2014 Macroporous ultramicroelectrodes for improved electroanalytical measurements R Szamocki, A Velichko, C Holzapfel, F Mücklich, S Ravaine, P Garrigue, ...
Analytical chemistry 79 (2), 533-539, 2007
183 2007 Three-dimensional characterization of ‘as-cast’and solution-treated AlSi12 (Sr) alloys by high-resolution FIB tomography F Lasagni, A Lasagni, E Marks, C Holzapfel, F Mücklich, HP Degischer
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168 2007 Multi-layer Ti3C2Tx-nanoparticles (MXenes) as solid lubricants–Role of surface terminations and intercalated water A Rosenkranz, PG Grützmacher, R Espinoza, VM Fuenzalida, E Blanco, ...
Applied Surface Science 494, 13-21, 2019
164 2019 Physicochemical properties of copper important for its antibacterial activity and development of a unified model M Hans, S Mathews, F Mücklich, M Solioz
Biointerphases 11 (1), 2016
155 2016 Laser Interference Metallurgy–using interference as a tool for micro/nano structuring F Mücklich, A Lasagni, C Daniel
International Journal of Materials Research 97 (10), 1337-1344, 2006
146 2006 Quantification of hydrothermal degradation in zirconia by nanoindentation Y Gaillard, E Jiménez-Piqué, F Soldera, F Mücklich, M Anglada
Acta Materialia 56 (16), 4206-4216, 2008
144 2008 Alignment and wear debris effects between laser-patterned steel surfaces under dry sliding conditions A Rosenkranz, L Reinert, C Gachot, F Mücklich
Wear 318 (1-2), 49-61, 2014
143 2014 Dry friction between laser-patterned surfaces: role of alignment, structural wavelength and surface chemistry C Gachot, A Rosenkranz, L Reinert, E Ramos-Moore, N Souza, MH Müser, ...
Tribology Letters 49, 193-202, 2013
141 2013 Thermal stability of nano-RuAl produced by mechanical alloying KW Liu, F Mücklich
Acta materialia 49 (3), 395-403, 2001
132 2001 Laser interference metallurgy—periodic surface patterning and formation of intermetallics F Mücklich, A Lasagni, C Daniel
Intermetallics 13 (3-4), 437-442, 2005
129 2005 Periodical micro-nano-structuring of metallic surfaces by interfering laser beams C Daniel, F Mücklich, Z Liu
Applied Surface Science 208, 317-321, 2003
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