Maren Brehme
Maren Brehme
ETH Zürich, Geothermal Energy and Geofluids
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A hydrotectonic model of a geothermal reservoir–A study in Lahendong, Indonesia
M Brehme, I Moeck, Y Kamah, G Zimmermann, M Sauter
Geothermics 51, 228-239, 2014
Injection‐triggered occlusion of flow pathways in geothermal operations
M Brehme, S Regenspurg, P Leary, F Bulut, H Milsch, S Petrauskas, ...
Geofluids 2018 (1), 4694829, 2018
Permeability distribution in the Lahendong geothermal field: A blind fault captured by thermal–hydraulic simulation
M Brehme, G Blöcher, M Cacace, Y Kamah, M Sauter, G Zimmermann
Environmental Earth Sciences 75, 1-11, 2016
Geochemical/hydrochemical evaluation of the geothermal potential of the Lamongan volcanic field (Eastern Java, Indonesia)
F Deon, HJ Förster, M Brehme, B Wiegand, T Scheytt, I Moeck, MS Jaya, ...
Geothermal Energy 3, 1-21, 2015
Hydrochemical characterisation of ground and surface water at Dörtyol/Hatay/Turkey
M Brehme, T Scheytt, M Çelik, UE Dokuz
Environmental Earth Sciences 63, 1395-1408, 2011
Injection related issues of a doublet system in a sandstone aquifer-A generalized concept to understand and avoid problem sources in geothermal systems
Á Markó, J Mádl-Szőnyi, M Brehme
Geothermics 97, 102234, 2021
A review of the hydrochemistry of a deep sedimentary aquifer and its consequences for geothermal operation: Klaipeda, Lithuania
M Brehme, K Nowak, D Banks, S Petrauskas, R Valickas, K Bauer, ...
Geofluids 2019 (1), 4363592, 2019
Approach to develop a soft stimulation concept to overcome formation damage – A case study at Klaipeda, Lithuania
M Brehme, G Blöcher, S Regenspurg, H Milsch, S Petrauskas, ...
42nd Workshop on Geothermal Reservoir Engineering Stanford University, 2017
Fault controlled geochemical properties in Lahendong geothermal reservoir Indonesia
M Brehme, F Deon, C Haase, B Wiegand, Y Kamah, M Sauter, ...
Grundwasser 21 (1), 29-41, 2016
Mechanisms causing injectivity decline and enhancement in geothermal projects
W Luo, A Kottsova, PJ Vardon, AC Dieudonné, M Brehme
Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 185, 113623, 2023
Geothermal sweetspots identified in a volcanic lake integrating bathymetry and fluid chemistry
M Brehme, R Giese, L Suherlina, Y Kamah
Scientific Reports 9 (1), 16153, 2019
Self-organizing maps in geothermal exploration–A new approach for understanding geochemical processes and fluid evolution
M Brehme, K Bauer, M Nukman, S Regenspurg
Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research 336, 19-32, 2017
Characterizing permeability structures in geothermal reservoirs: a case study in Lahendong
M Brehme, G Blöcher, M Cacace, F Deon, I Moeck, B Wiegand, Y Kamah, ...
Proceedings 41st workshop on geothermal reservoir engineering, Stanford …, 2016
Demonstration of soft stimulation treatments in geothermal reservoirs
E Huenges, J Ellis, S Welter, R Westaway, KB Min, A Genter, M Brehme, ...
Proceedings of the world geothermal congress 1, 2020
Hydrochemical patterns in a structurally controlled geothermal system
M Brehme, C Haase, S Regenspurg, I Moeck, F Deon, BA Wiegand, ...
Mineral. Mag 77, 767, 2013
Demonstration of a successful soft chemical stimulation in a geothermal sandstone reservoir in Mezőberény (Hungary)
M Brehme, Á Markó, M Osvald, G Zimmermann, W Weinzierl, S Aldaz, ...
Geothermics 120, 102980, 2024
Fluid pathways identified beneath Narlı Lake (Central Anatolia) show the geothermal potential of former volcanoes
M Brehme, R Giese, UE Dokuz, F Bulut
Scientific Reports 11 (1), 8773, 2021
Injection triggered occlusion of flow pathways in a sedimentary aquifer in Hungary
M Brehme, K Nowak, M Abel, I Siklosi, C Willems, E Huenges
World Geothermal Congress 2020, 2020
Concepts of soft stimulation treatments in geothermal reservoirs
E Huenges, J Ellis, H Hofmann, G Zimmermann, M Brehme, M Farkas, ...
Geochemical and isotopic investigation of fluids from Lahendong geothermal field
BA Wiegand, M Brehme, F Teuku, IA Amran, R Prasetio, Y Kamah, ...
Mineralogical Magazine-Goldschmidt Conference Abstracts 77 (5), 2491, 2013
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