Musa bin Yusup Lada
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Cited by
Simulation a shunt active power filter using MATLAB/Simulink
MY Lada, I Bugis, MHN Talib
2010 4th International Power Engineering and Optimization Conference (PEOCO …, 2010
Simulation single phase shunt active filter based on pq technique using MATLAB/Simulink development tools environment
MY Lada, O Mohindo, A Khamis, JM Lazi, IW Jamaludin
2011 IEEE Applied Power Electronics Colloquium (IAPEC), 159-164, 2011
Reduction of harmonic using single phase shunt active power filter based on instantaneous power theory for cascaded multilevel inverter
MY Lada, SS Mohamad, JAM Gani, MRMD Nawawi, GC Kim
2016 IEEE International Conference on Power and Energy (PECon), 702-706, 2016
Performance comparison of SVPWM and Hysteresis Current Control for Dual motor drives
JM Lazi, Z Ibrahim, M Sulaiman, IW Jamaludin, MY Lada
2011 IEEE Applied Power Electronics Colloquium (IAPEC), 75-80, 2011
Study of magnetic fields produced by transmission line tower using finite element method (FEM)
S Ab Ghani, MSA Khiar, IS Chairul, MY Lada, NH Rahim
2014 2nd International Conference on Technology, Informatics, Management …, 2014
Impacts of residential solar photovoltaic systems on voltage unbalance and network losses
NI Zolkifri, CK Gan, A Khamis, KA Baharin, MY Lada
TENCON 2017-2017 IEEE Region 10 Conference, 2150-2155, 2017
A review: Optimal distributed generation planning and power quality issues
S Daud, AFA Kadir, MY Lada, CK Gan
International Review of Electrical Engineering 11 (2), 208-222, 2016
Identification and Simulation of Dc-Dc Boost Converter for Charging Up PV Voltage for 24-Volts Battery
A Khamis, MN Kamarudin, MY Lada, MS Jamri, F Hanafi, A Nazmi
The Asia-Pacific Symposium on Applied Electromagnetics and Mechanics, 2010
Adaptive notch filter under indirect and direct current controls for active power filter
SH Mohamad, MAM Radzi, NF Mailah, NIA Wahab, A Jidin, MY Lada
Bulletin of Electrical Engineering and Informatics 9 (5), 1794-1802, 2020
Performance analysis of SHE-PWM using Fourier Series and Newton-Raphson analysis
MY Lada, MSA Khiar, SA Ghani, MRM Nawawi, ASM Nor, JGM Yuen
AIP Conference Proceedings 1660 (1), 2015
Performance of three-phase three-wire cascaded H-bridge multilevel inverter-based shunt active power filter
MY Lada, MAM Radzi, J Jasni, H Hizam, A Jidin, SH Mohamad
Int J Pow Elec & Dri Syst ISSN 2088 (8694), 1431, 2020
Reduction of harmonic using single phase shunt active filter based on FFT method for cascaded multilevel inverter
MY Lada, NI Zolkifri, JAM Gani, MRM Nawawi, GC Kim
IET Digital Library, 2016
Support vector machine for day ahead electricity price forecasting
IZ Abidin, YK Siah, MY Lada, MNM Nasir
AIP Conference Proceedings 1660 (1), 2015
A comparison of distribution static synchronous compensator (DSTATCOM) control algorithms for harmonic elimination
NH Baharudin, T Mansur, SIS Hassan, P Saad, R Ali, MY Lada
ARPN J. Eng. Appl. Sci 10 (22), 10740-10744, 2015
A review on the impact of embedded generation to network fault level
MS Yahaya, MF Basar, Z Ibrahim, MNN Nasir, MY Lada, WM Bukhari
Aip Conference Proceedings 1660 (1), 2015
Development of Load Control Algorithm for PV Microgrid.
MHB Fatheli, NI Zolkifri, CK Gan, MBY Lada
International Journal of Electrical & Computer Engineering (2088-8708) 7 (2), 2017
Isma lNizamTalib,“Simulation Filter using MATLAB
MY Lada
International Power Optimization Conf.(PEO Selangor, MALAYSIA: 23, 0
Simulation Single Phase Shunt Active Filter Based on pq technique using MATLAB/simulink Development Tools Environment
M Yusup, O Lada, M Azia, J Khamis, IM Lazi
IEEE Applied Power Electronics Colloquium (IAPEC), 159-164, 0
Evaluation of conventional inverter and nine level multilevel inverter in shunt active power filter
MY Lada, MAM Radzi, J Jasni, H Hizam, A Jidin, SH Mohamad
AIP Conference Proceedings 3128 (1), 2024
A New Improvement of Reverse Voltage Single Phase Multilevel Inverter Topology
MY Lada, A Khamis, M Azri, NI Zolkifri, MRM Nawawi, CK Gan
Journal of Telecommunication, Electronic and Computer Engineering (JTEC) 10 …, 2018
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