Lina Alasfar
Lina Alasfar
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Cited by
Measurement of the W boson mass
R Aaij, ASW Abdelmotteleb, C Abellán Beteta, T Ackernley, B Adeva, ...
Journal of High Energy Physics 2022 (1), 1-38, 2022
Probing Higgs couplings to light quarks via Higgs pair production
L Alasfar, RC Lopez, R Gröber
Journal of High Energy Physics 2019 (11), 1-37, 2019
B anomalies under the lens of electroweak precision
L Alasfar, A Azatov, J De Blas, A Paul, M Valli
Journal of High Energy Physics 2020 (12), 1-37, 2020
The GUP and quantum Raychaudhuri equation
EC Vagenas, L Alasfar, SM Alsaleh, AF Ali
Nuclear Physics B 931, 72-78, 2018
Quantum fluctuations from thermal fluctuations in Jacobson formalism
M Faizal, A Ashour, M Alcheikh, L Alasfar, S Alsaleh, A Mahroussah
The European Physical Journal C 77, 1-6, 2017
Virtual corrections to gg→ ZH via a transverse momentum expansion
L Alasfar, G Degrassi, PP Giardino, R Gröber, M Vitti
Journal of High Energy Physics 2021 (5), 1-19, 2021
Higgs probes of top quark contact interactions and their interplay with the Higgs self-coupling
L Alasfar, J de Blas, R Gröber
Journal of High Energy Physics 2022 (5), 1-35, 2022
Effective Field Theory descriptions of Higgs boson pair production
L Alasfar, L Cadamuro, C Dimitriadi, A Ferrari, R Gröber, G Heinrich, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:2304.01968, 2023
Machine learning the trilinear and light-quark Yukawa couplings from Higgs pair kinematic shapes
L Alasfar, R Gröber, C Grojean, A Paul, Z Qian
Journal of High Energy Physics 2022 (11), 1-37, 2022
Thermodynamic and holographic information dual to volume
D Momeni, M Faizal, S Alsaleh, L Alasfar, A Myrzakul, R Myrzakulov
The European Physical Journal C 78, 1-17, 2018
Quantum no-singularity theorem from geometric flows
S Alsaleh, L Alasfar, M Faizal, AF Ali
International Journal of Modern Physics A 33 (10), 1850052, 2018
Path integral for non-paraxial optics
MC Braidotti, C Conti, M Faizal, S Dey, L Alasfar, S Alsaleh, A Ashour
Europhysics Letters 124 (4), 44001, 2018
Effective Field Theory descriptions of Higgs boson pair production
R Gröber, S Ordek, L Cadamuro, J Sjoelin, T Ingebretsen Carlson, ...
Time-dependent strain in graphene
A Bhat, S Alsaleh, D Momeni, A Rehman, Z Zaz, M Faizal, A Jellal, ...
The European Physical Journal B 91, 1-6, 2018
Probing light Yukawa couplings in Higgs pair production
L Alasfar, R Gröber
arXiv preprint arXiv:1910.04546, 2019
and non-perturbative action integrals for quantum gravity
S Alsaleh, L Alasfar
International Journal of Geometric Methods in Modern Physics 14 (10), 1750138, 2017
The GUP and quantum Raychaudhuri equation
L Alasfar, SM Alsaleh, AF Ali, EC Vagenas
arXiv preprint arXiv:1706.06502, 2017
Thermodynamics of AdS spacetime via Regularized Fidelity Susceptibility
D Momeni, A Myrzakul, R Myrzakulov, S Alsaleh, L Alasfar
Complexity 8, 1, 0
Public Note
L Alasfar, L Cadamuro, C Dimitriadi, A Ferrari, R Gröber, G Heinrich, ...
Virtual QCD corrections to 𝒈𝒈→ 𝒁𝑯 via a transverse momentum expansion
L Alasfar, L Bellafronte, G Degrassi, PP Giardino, R Gröber𝑑, M Vitti𝑐
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Articles 1–20