Mahyar Amirgholy
Cited by
Cited by
Demand responsive transit systems with time-dependent demand: User equilibrium, system optimum, and management strategy
M Amirgholy, EJ Gonzales
Transportation Research Part B: Methodological 92, 234-252, 2016
Traffic automation and lane management for communicant, autonomous, and human-driven vehicles
M Amirgholy, M Shahabi, HO Gao
Transportation research part C: emerging technologies 111, 477-495, 2020
Optimal design of sustainable transit systems in congested urban networks: A macroscopic approach
M Amirgholy, M Shahabi, HO Gao
Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review 103, 261-285, 2017
Modeling the dynamics of congestion in large urban networks using the macroscopic fundamental diagram: User equilibrium, system optimum, and pricing strategies
M Amirgholy, HO Gao
Transportation Research Part B: Methodological 104, 215-237, 2017
System modeling of demand responsive transportation services: Evaluating cost efficiency of service and coordinated taxi usage
M Rahimi, M Amirgholy, EJ Gonzales
Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review 112, 66-83, 2018
Optimal traffic control at smart intersections: Automated network fundamental diagram
M Amirgholy, M Nourinejad, HO Gao
Transportation Research Part B: Methodological, 2020
Multi-objective cordon price design to control long run adverse traffic effects in large urban areas
M Amirgholy, H Rezaeestakhruie, H Poorzahedy
NETNOMICS: Economic Research and Electronic Networking 16, 1-52, 2015
An advanced traveler navigation system adapted to route choice preferences of the individual users
M Amirgholy, N Golshani, C Schneider, EJ Gonzales, HO Gao
International Journal of Transportation Science and Technology 6 (4), 240-254, 2017
Transportation Infrastructure and Automation Technologies: High Performance Lanes and Dynamic Platoon Control Systems in the Automated Highways of Future Smart Cities
M Amirgholy, M Shahabi, HO Gao
Analytical equilibrium of bicriterion choices with heterogeneous user preferences: application to the morning commute problem
M Amirgholy, EJ Gonzales
Transportmetrica B: Transport Dynamics 5 (4), 450-482, 2017
Staggered work schedules for congestion mitigation: A morning commute problem
M Yildirimoglu, M Ramezani, M Amirgholy
Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies 132, 103391, 2021
Efficient frontier of route choice for modeling the equilibrium under travel time variability with heterogeneous traveler preferences
M Amirgholy, EJ Gonzales
Economics of transportation 11, 1-14, 2017
Parking design and pricing for regular and autonomous vehicles: a morning commute problem
M Nourinejad, M Amirgholy
Transportmetrica B: Transport Dynamics 10 (1), 159-183, 2022
Parking pricing and design in the morning commute problem with regular and autonomous vehicles
M Nourinejad, M Amirgholy
Rotman School of Management Working Paper, 2018
Optimal traffic operation for maximum energy efficiency in signal-free urban networks: A macroscopic analytical approach
M Amirgholy, HO Gao
Applied Energy 329, 120128, 2023
Balancing the efficiency and robustness of traffic operations in signal-free networks
M Amirgholy, M Nourinejad, HO Gao
Transportation research interdisciplinary perspectives 19, 100821, 2023
Modeling choice problems with heterogeneous user preferences in the transportation network
M Amirgholy
Continuum Approximation Modeling of ADA Paratransit Operations in New Jersey
M Rahimi, M Amirgholy, EJ Gonzales
Transportation Research Board 93rd Annual MeetingTransportation Research Board, 2014
Connected automated vehicles orchestrating human-driven vehicles: Optimizing traffic speed and density in urban networks
M Amirgholy, M Nourinejad
Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies 165, 104741, 2024
Traffic operation for longer battery life of connected automated vehicles in signal-free networks
FA Mohammed, M Amirgholy
Transportmetrica B: Transport Dynamics 11 (1), 1478-1495, 2023
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Articles 1–20