Maxime Phalempin
Maxime Phalempin
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Experimental platforms for the investigation of spatiotemporal patterns in the rhizosphere—laboratory and field scale
D Vetterlein, E Lippold, S Schreiter, M Phalempin, T Fahrenkampf, ...
Journal of Plant Nutrition and Soil Science 184 (1), 35-50, 2021
Linking rhizosphere processes across scales: Opinion
A Schnepf, A Carminati, MA Ahmed, M Ani, P Benard, J Bentz, ...
Plant and Soil 478 (1), 5-42, 2022
Soil texture and structure heterogeneity predominantly governs bulk density gradients around roots
M Phalempin, E Lippold, D Vetterlein, S Schlüter
Vadose Zone Journal 20 (5), e20147, 2021
An improved method for the segmentation of roots from X-ray computed tomography 3D images: Rootine v. 2
M Phalempin, E Lippold, D Vetterlein, S Schlüter
Plant Methods 17, 1-19, 2021
Root hairs matter at field scale for maize shoot growth and nutrient uptake, but root trait plasticity is primarily triggered by texture and drought
D Vetterlein, M Phalempin, E Lippold, S Schlüter, S Schreiter, MA Ahmed, ...
Plant and Soil 478 (1), 119-141, 2022
Modeling the impact of rhizosphere bulk density and mucilage gradients on root water uptake
M Landl, M Phalempin, S Schlüter, D Vetterlein, J Vanderborght, ...
Frontiers in Agronomy 3, 622367, 2021
Does the lack of root hairs alter root system architecture of Zea mays?
E Lippold, M Phalempin, S Schlüter, D Vetterlein
Plant and Soil 467, 267-286, 2021
Maize root-induced biopores do not influence root growth of subsequently grown maize plants in well aerated, fertilized and repacked soil columns
M Phalempin, M Landl, GM Wu, A Schnepf, D Vetterlein, S Schlüter
Soil and Tillage Research 221, 105398, 2022
Quantifying the impact of 3D pore space morphology on soil gas diffusion in loam and sand
B Prifling, M Weber, N Ray, A Prechtel, M Phalempin, S Schlüter, ...
Transport in Porous Media 149 (2), 501-527, 2023
In soil measurement of radiation dose caused by X‐ray computed tomography
E Lippold, P Kleinau, SRGA Blaser, S Schlüter, M Phalempin, D Vetterlein
Journal of Plant Nutrition and Soil Science 184 (3), 343-345, 2021
Schlüter, S1: CAS: 528: DC% 2BB3cXhsFCit7zK: Experimental platforms for the investigation of spatiotemporal patterns in the rhizosphere-laboratory and field scale. vol. 184
D Vetterlein, E Lippold, S Schreiter, M Phalempin, T Fahrenkampf, ...
J Plant Nutr Soil Sci, 35-50, 2021
Developing suitable methods for effective characterization of electrical properties of root segments
S Ehosioke, M Phalempin, S Garré, A Kemna, JA Huisman, M Javaux, ...
Geophysical research abstracts 19, 2017
Organic farming systems affect carbon stocks but not soil structure and associated physical properties in a long-term farming trial on Chernozem
S Schlüter, M Lucas, M Phalempin, L Knecht, F Langehenke, A Deubel, ...
Geoderma 438, 116619, 2023
Soil Structure Development in a Five-Year Chronosequence of Maize Cropping on Two Contrasted Soil Textures
M Phalempin, N Jentzsch, JM Kohne, S Schreiter, D Vetterlein, S Schluter
ASA, CSSA, SSSA International Annual Meeting, 2024
Can we use X-ray CT to generate 3D penetration resistance data?
M Phalempin, U Rosskopf, S Schlüter, D Vetterlein, S Peth
Geoderma 439, 116700, 2023
Maize roots under mechanical stress induce increased ethylene concentration in the soil gas phase
M Phalempin, E Lippold, F Brauweiler, B Apelt, H Würsig, M Tarkka, ...
EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts, EGU-12448, 2023
Quantifying the impact of 3D pore space morphology on diffusive mass transport in loam and sand
M Weber, B Prifling, N Ray, A Prechtel, M Phalempin, S Schlüter, ...
EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts, EGU-12421, 2023
Evaluating the Effective Diffusion in Soil Columns Including Biopores by Homogenization
A Prechtel, A Lieu, M Phalempin, R Schulz
Department Mathematik, Bereich Modellierung, Simulation, Optimierung, 2022
The interplay between root growth and soil properties
M Phalempin
Dissertation, Halle (Saale), Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg, 2022, 2022
Short Note: Special issue: Rhizosphere spatiotemporal organization
E Lippold, M Phalempin, S Schlüter
Plant Soil 478, 347, 2022
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