Simone Luca Portalupi
Simone Luca Portalupi
Group leader
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Near optimal single photon sources in the solid state
N Somaschi, V Giesz, L De Santis, JC Loredo, MP Almeida, G Hornecker, ...
Nature Photonics 10 (5), 340-345, 2016
Light scattering and Fano resonances in high-Q photonic crystal nanocavities
M Galli, SL Portalupi, M Belotti, LC Andreani, L O’Faolain, TF Krauss
Applied Physics Letters 94 (7), 2009
Planar photonic crystal cavities with far-field optimization for high coupling efficiency and quality factor
SL Portalupi, M Galli, C Reardon, TF Krauss, L O’Faolain, LC Andreani, ...
Optics express 18 (15), 16064-16073, 2010
Deterministic and electrically tunable bright single-photon source
AK Nowak, SL Portalupi, V Giesz, O Gazzano, C Dal Savio, PF Braun, ...
Nature communications 5 (1), 3240, 2014
Single-photon emission at 1.55 μm from MOVPE-grown InAs quantum dots on InGaAs/GaAs metamorphic buffers
M Paul, F Olbrich, J Höschele, S Schreier, J Kettler, SL Portalupi, M Jetter, ...
Applied Physics Letters 111 (3), 2017
Two-photon interference in the telecom C-band after frequency conversion of photons from remote quantum emitters
JH Weber, B Kambs, J Kettler, S Kern, J Maisch, H Vural, M Jetter, ...
Nature Nanotechnology 14 (1), 23-26, 2019
Polarization-entangled photons from an InGaAs-based quantum dot emitting in the telecom C-band
F Olbrich, J Höschele, M Müller, J Kettler, S Luca Portalupi, M Paul, ...
Applied Physics Letters 111 (13), 2017
Room temperature all‐silicon photonic crystal nanocavity light emitting diode at sub‐bandgap wavelengths
A Shakoor, R Lo Savio, P Cardile, SL Portalupi, D Gerace, K Welna, ...
Laser & Photonics Reviews 7 (1), 114-121, 2013
Semiconductor quantum dots for integrated quantum photonics
S Hepp, M Jetter, SL Portalupi, P Michler
Advanced Quantum Technologies 2 (9), 1900020, 2019
Cavity-enhanced two-photon interference using remote quantum dot sources
V Giesz, SL Portalupi, T Grange, C Antón, L De Santis, J Demory, ...
Physical Review B 92 (16), 161302, 2015
Combining in-situ lithography with 3D printed solid immersion lenses for single quantum dot spectroscopy
M Sartison, SL Portalupi, T Gissibl, M Jetter, H Giessen, P Michler
Scientific reports 7 (1), 39916, 2017
Fully on-chip single-photon Hanbury-Brown and Twiss experiment on a monolithic semiconductor–superconductor platform
M Schwartz, E Schmidt, U Rengstl, F Hornung, S Hepp, SL Portalupi, ...
Nano Letters 18 (11), 6892-6897, 2018
Room-temperature emission at telecom wavelengths from silicon photonic crystal nanocavities
R Lo Savio, SL Portalupi, D Gerace, A Shakoor, TF Krauss, L O’Faolain, ...
Applied Physics Letters 98 (20), 2011
Coherence and indistinguishability of highly pure single photons from non-resonantly and resonantly excited telecom C-band quantum dots
C Nawrath, F Olbrich, M Paul, SL Portalupi, M Jetter, P Michler
Applied Physics Letters 115 (2), 2019
InAs quantum dots grown on metamorphic buffers as non-classical light sources at telecom C-band: a review
SL Portalupi, M Jetter, P Michler
Semiconductor Science and Technology 34 (5), 053001, 2019
Entangling Quantum-Logic Gate Operated with an Ultrabright Semiconductor<? format?> Single-Photon Source
O Gazzano, MP Almeida, AK Nowak, SL Portalupi, A Lemaître, I Sagnes, ...
Physical review letters 110 (25), 250501, 2013
Highly indistinguishable single photons from incoherently excited quantum dots
M Reindl, JH Weber, D Huber, C Schimpf, SF Covre da Silva, SL Portalupi, ...
Physical Review B 100 (15), 155420, 2019
Bright Purcell enhanced single-photon source in the telecom O-band based on a quantum dot in a circular Bragg grating
S Kolatschek, C Nawrath, S Bauer, J Huang, J Fischer, R Sittig, M Jetter, ...
Nano letters 21 (18), 7740-7745, 2021
Simultaneous Faraday filtering of the Mollow triplet sidebands with the Cs-D1 clock transition
SL Portalupi, M Widmann, C Nawrath, M Jetter, P Michler, J Wrachtrup, ...
Nature communications 7 (1), 13632, 2016
Quantum dot single-photon emission coupled into single-mode fibers with 3D printed micro-objectives
L Bremer, K Weber, S Fischbach, S Thiele, M Schmidt, A Kaganskiy, ...
APL Photonics 5 (10), 2020
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