John C. Bean
John C. Bean
Stanford University OR Bell Labs OR University of Virginia OR
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Magnetization of hard superconductors
CP Bean
Physical review letters 8 (6), 250, 1962
Calculation of critical layer thickness versus lattice mismatch for GexSi1−x/Si strained‐layer heterostructures
R People, JC Bean
Applied Physics Letters 47 (3), 322-324, 1985
GexSi1−x/Si strained‐layer superlattice grown by molecular beam epitaxy
JC Bean, LC Feldman, AT Fiory, S Nakahara, IK Robinson
Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology A: Vacuum, Surfaces, and Films 2 (2 …, 1984
Band alignments of coherently strained GexSi1−x/Si heterostructures on <001> GeySi1−y substrates
R People, JC Bean
Applied physics letters 48 (8), 538-540, 1986
Measurement of the band gap of GexSi1− x/Si strained‐layer heterostructures
DV Lang, R People, JC Bean, AM Sergent
Applied Physics Letters 47 (12), 1333-1335, 1985
Modulation doping in GexSi1−x/Si strained layer heterostructures
R People, JC Bean, DV Lang, AM Sergent, HL Störmer, KW Wecht, ...
Applied Physics Letters 45 (11), 1231-1233, 1984
Picosecond optoelectronic detection, sampling, and correlation measurements in amorphous semiconductors
DH Auston, AM Johnson, PR Smith, JC Bean
Applied Physics Letters 37 (4), 371-373, 1980
Silicon-based semiconductor heterostructures: column IV bandgap engineering
JC Bean
Proceedings of the IEEE 80 (4), 571-587, 1992
Observation of order-disorder transitions in strained-semiconductor systems
A Ourmazd, JC Bean
Physical review letters 55 (7), 765, 1985
Pseudomorphic growth of GexSi1x on silicon by molecular beam epitaxy
JC Bean, TT Sheng, LC Feldman, AT Fiory, RT Lynch
Applied Physics Letters 44 (1), 102-104, 1984
Stress-induced self-organization of nanoscale structures in SiGe/Si multilayer films
C Teichert, MG Lagally, LJ Peticolas, JC Bean, J Tersoff
Physical Review B 53 (24), 16334, 1996
Misfit dislocations in lattice-mismatched epitaxial films
R Hull, JC Bean
Critical Reviews in Solid State and Material Sciences 17 (6), 507-546, 1992
GexSi1− x strained‐layer superlattice waveguide photodetectors operating near 1.3 μm
H Temkin, TP Pearsall, JC Bean, RA Logan, S Luryi
Applied Physics Letters 48 (15), 963-965, 1986
Raman scattering from GexSi1−x/Si strained‐layer superlattices
F Cerdeira, A Pinczuk, JC Bean, B Batlogg, BA Wilson
Applied physics letters 45 (10), 1138-1140, 1984
Epitaxial silicides
RT Tung, JM Poate, JC Bean, JM Gibson, DC Jacobson
Thin Solid Films 93 (1-2), 77-90, 1982
New infrared detector on a silicon chip
S Luryi, A Kastalsky, JC Bean
IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices 31 (9), 1135-1139, 1984
Dependence of residual damage on temperature during Ar+ sputter cleaning of silicon
JC Bean, GE Becker, PM Petroff, TE Seidel
Journal of Applied Physics 48 (3), 907-913, 1977
Growth of single‐crystal CoSi2 on Si(111)
RT Tung, JC Bean, JM Gibson, JM Poate, DC Jacobson
Applied Physics Letters 40 (8), 684-686, 1982
Stability of semiconductor strained‐layer superlattices
R Hull, JC Bean, F Cerdeira, AT Fiory, JM Gibson
Applied physics letters 48 (1), 56-58, 1986
Dislocation nucleation near the critical thickness in GeSi/Si strained layers
DJ Eaglesham, EP Kvam, DM Maher, CJ Humphreys, JC Bean
Philosophical Magazine A 59 (5), 1059-1073, 1989
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