Rong Zhang
Rong Zhang
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Cited by
GFDL's CM2 global coupled climate models. Part I: Formulation and simulation characteristics
TL Delworth, AJ Broccoli, A Rosati, RJ Stouffer, V Balaji, JA Beesley, ...
Journal of Climate 19 (5), 643-674, 2006
Detection and attribution of climate change: from global to regional
NL Bindoff, PAA Stott, KM AchutaRao, MRR Allen, N Gillett, D Gutzler, ...
Climate change 2013: the physical science basis, 2014
Ice age terminations
H Cheng, RL Edwards, WS Broecker, GH Denton, X Kong, Y Wang, ...
science 326 (5950), 248-252, 2009
Impact of Atlantic multidecadal oscillations on India/Sahel rainfall and Atlantic hurricanes
R Zhang, TL Delworth
Geophysical research letters 33 (17), 2006
Simulated tropical response to a substantial weakening of the Atlantic thermohaline circulation
R Zhang, TL Delworth
Journal of climate 18 (12), 1853-1860, 2005
Simulated climate and climate change in the GFDL CM2. 5 high-resolution coupled climate model
TL Delworth, A Rosati, W Anderson, AJ Adcroft, V Balaji, R Benson, ...
Journal of Climate 25 (8), 2755-2781, 2012
Enhanced warming of the N orthwest A tlantic O cean under climate change
VS Saba, SM Griffies, WG Anderson, M Winton, MA Alexander, ...
Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans 121 (1), 118-132, 2016
A review of the role of the Atlantic meridional overturning circulation in Atlantic multidecadal variability and associated climate impacts
R Zhang, R Sutton, G Danabasoglu, YO Kwon, R Marsh, SG Yeager, ...
Reviews of Geophysics 57 (2), 316-375, 2019
Formulation of an ocean model for global climate simulations
SM Griffies, A Gnanadesikan, KW Dixon, JP Dunne, R Gerdes, ...
Ocean Science 1 (1), 45-79, 2005
Impacts on ocean heat from transient mesoscale eddies in a hierarchy of climate models
SM Griffies, M Winton, WG Anderson, R Benson, TL Delworth, CO Dufour, ...
Journal of Climate 28 (3), 952-977, 2015
Structure and performance of GFDL's CM4. 0 climate model
IM Held, H Guo, A Adcroft, JP Dunne, LW Horowitz, J Krasting, ...
Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems 11 (11), 3691-3727, 2019
Coherent surface‐subsurface fingerprint of the Atlantic meridional overturning circulation
R Zhang
Geophysical Research Letters 35 (20), 2008
Liquid-liquid phase transition: Evidence from simulations
S Harrington, R Zhang, PH Poole, F Sciortino, HE Stanley
Physical Review Letters 78 (12), 2409, 1997
The GFDL global ocean and sea ice model OM4. 0: Model description and simulation features
A Adcroft, W Anderson, V Balaji, C Blanton, M Bushuk, CO Dufour, ...
Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems 11 (10), 3167-3211, 2019
Impact of the Atlantic multidecadal oscillation on North Pacific climate variability
R Zhang, TL Delworth
Geophysical Research Letters 34 (23), 2007
GFDL's CM2 global coupled climate models. Part II: The baseline ocean simulation
A Gnanadesikan, KW Dixon, SM Griffies, V Balaji, M Barreiro, JA Beesley, ...
Journal of climate 19 (5), 675-697, 2006
Can the Atlantic Ocean drive the observed multidecadal variability in Northern Hemisphere mean temperature?
R Zhang, TL Delworth, IM Held
Geophysical Research Letters 34 (2), 2007
Have aerosols caused the observed Atlantic multidecadal variability?
R Zhang, TL Delworth, R Sutton, DLR Hodson, KW Dixon, IM Held, ...
Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences 70 (4), 1135-1144, 2013
The North Atlantic Oscillation as a driver of rapid climate change in the Northern Hemisphere
TL Delworth, F Zeng, GA Vecchi, X Yang, L Zhang, R Zhang
Nature Geoscience 9 (7), 509-512, 2016
Mechanisms for low-frequency variability of summer Arctic sea ice extent
R Zhang
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 112 (15), 4570-4575, 2015
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Articles 1–20