Jianlei Zhang
Jianlei Zhang
Professor of Systems and Control, Nankai University
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Cited by
Resolution of the stochastic strategy spatial prisoner's dilemma by means of particle swarm optimization
J Zhang, C Zhang, T Chu, M Perc
PloS one 6 (7), e21787, 2011
Trajectory planning of load transportation with multi-quadrotors based on reinforcement learning algorithm
X Li, J Zhang, J Han
Aerospace Science and Technology 116, 106887, 2021
Evolution of Interactions and Cooperation in the Spatial Prisoner's Dilemma Game
C Zhang, J Zhang, G Xie, L Wang, M Perc
PLoS ONE 6 (10), e26724, 2011
The evolution of cooperation in spatial groups
J Zhang, C Zhang, T Chu
Chaos, Solitons & Fractals, 2011
Coevolving agent strategies and network topology for the public goods games
GMXLW C. Y. Zhang, J. L. Zhang
The European Physical Journal B 80 (2), 217-222, 2011
Changing the intensity of interaction based on individual behavior in the iterated prisoner’s dilemma game
J Li, C Zhang, Q Sun, Z Chen, J Zhang
IEEE Transactions on Evolutionary Computation 21 (4), 506-517, 2016
How insurance affects altruistic provision in threshold public goods games
J Zhang, C Zhang, M Cao
Scientific reports 5 (1), 9098, 2015
A task allocation algorithm for a swarm of unmanned aerial vehicles based on bionic wolf pack method
Z Wang, J Zhang
Knowledge-Based Systems 250, 109072, 2022
Evolutionary game dynamics of multiagent systems on multiple community networks
J Zhang, Y Zhu, Z Chen
IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics: Systems 50 (11), 4513-4529, 2018
Evolutionary dynamics of strategies for threshold snowdrift games on complex networks
Y Zhu, J Zhang, Q Sun, Z Chen
Knowledge-Based Systems 130, 51-61, 2017
Strategy competition dynamics of multi-agent systems in the framework of evolutionary game theory
J Zhang, M Cao
IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems II: Express Briefs 67 (1), 152-156, 2019
Dynamics of task allocation based on game theory in multi-agent systems
C Zhang, Q Li, Y Zhu, J Zhang
IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems II: Express Briefs 66 (6), 1068-1072, 2018
Elimination mechanism promotes cooperation in coevolutionary prisoner’s dilemma games
J Zhang, X Chen, C Zhang, L Wang, T Chu
Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications 389 (19), 4081-4086, 2010
Crucial role of strategy updating for coexistence of strategies in interaction networks
J Zhang, C Zhang, M Cao, FJ Weissing
Physical Review E 91 (4), 042101, 2015
Punishment in the form of shared cost promotes altruism in the cooperative dilemma games
C Zhang, Y Zhu, Z Chen, J Zhang
Journal of Theoretical Biology 420, 128-134, 2017
Fostering cooperation of selfish agents through public goods in relation to the loners
J Zhang, Z Chen, Z Liu
Physical Review E 93 (3), 032320, 2016
Different reactions to adverse neighborhoods in games of cooperation
C Zhang, J Zhang, FJ Weissing, M Perc, G Xie, L Wang
PloS one 7 (4), e35183, 2012
Does insurance against punishment undermine cooperation in the evolution of public goods games?
J Zhang, T Chu, FJ Weissing
Journal of theoretical biology 321, 78-82, 2013
Swarm splitting and multiple targets seeking in multi-agent dynamic systems
Z Chen, T Chu, J Zhang
49th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC), 4577-4582, 2010
Evolution of cooperation among game players with non-uniform migration scopes
C Zhang, J Zhang, G Xie
Chaos, Solitons & Fractals 59, 103-111, 2014
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Articles 1–20