G. Lawrence Carr
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Cited by
High-power terahertz radiation from relativistic electrons
GL Carr, MC Martin, WR McKinney, K Jordan, GR Neil, GP Williams
Nature 420, 153-156, 2002
Highly resolved chemical imaging of living cells by using synchrotron infrared microspectrometry
N Jamin, P Dumas, J Moncuit, WH Fridman, JL Teillaud, GL Carr, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 95 (9), 4837-4840, 1998
Resolution limits for infrared microspectroscopy explored with synchrotron radiation
GL Carr
Review of Scientific Instruments 72 (3), 1613-1619, 2001
Nonlinear cross-phase modulation with intense single-cycle terahertz pulses
Y Shen, T Watanabe, DA Arena, CC Kao, JB Murphy, TY Tsang, XJ Wang, ...
Physical Review Letters 99 (4), 043901, 2007
Signatures of a pressure-induced topological quantum phase transition in BiTeI
X Xi, C Ma, Z Liu, Z Chen, W Ku, H Berger, C Martin, DB Tanner, GL Carr
Physical review letters 111 (15), 155701, 2013
Performance of an infrared microspectrometer at the NSLS
GL Carr, JA Reffner, GP Williams
Review of Scientific Instruments 66 (2), 1490-1492, 1995
Quasiparticle damping in Bi 2 Sr 2 CaCu 2 O 8 and Bi 2 Sr 2 CuO 6
DB Romero, CD Porter, DB Tanner, L Forro, D Mandrus, L Mihaly, ...
Physical review letters 68 (10), 1590, 1992
Fast bolometric response by high Tc detectors measured with subnanosecond synchrotron radiation
GL Carr, M Quijada, DB Tanner, CJ Hirschmugl, GP Williams, S Etemad, ...
Applied physics letters 57 (25), 2725-2727, 1990
Tunable few-cycle and multicycle coherent terahertz radiation from relativistic electrons
Y Shen, X Yang, GL Carr, Y Hidaka, JB Murphy, X Wang
Physical review letters 107 (20), 204801, 2011
Observation of coherent synchrotron radiation from the NSLS VUV ring
GL Carr, SL Kramer, JB Murphy, R Lobo, DB Tanner
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators …, 2001
Optical properties of c-axis oriented superconducting MgB 2 films
JJ Tu, GL Carr, V Perebeinos, CC Homes, M Strongin, PB Allen, WN Kang, ...
Physical review letters 87 (27), 277001, 2001
Anomalous far-infrared absorption in random small-particle composites
GL Carr, RL Henry, NE Russell, JC Garland, DB Tanner
Physical Review B 24 (2), 777, 1981
Far infrared synchrotron near-field nanoimaging and nanospectroscopy
O Khatib, HA Bechtel, MC Martin, MB Raschke, GL Carr
ACS Photonics 5 (7), 2773-2779, 2018
Far-infrared transmission study of single-crystal Bi 2 Sr 2 Ca 1 Cu 2 O x superconductors
L Forro, GL Carr, GP Williams, D Mandrus, L Mihaly
Physical review letters 65 (15), 1941, 1990
Silicon beam splitter for far-infrared and terahertz spectroscopy
CC Homes, GL Carr, RPSM Lobo, JD LaVeigne, DB Tanner
Applied optics 46 (32), 7884-7888, 2007
A method for examining the chemical basis for bone disease: synchrotron infrared microspectroscopy.
LM Miller, CS Carlson, GL Carr, MR Chance
Cellular and molecular biology (Noisy-le-Grand, France) 44 (1), 117-127, 1998
Insulating phases of vanadium dioxide are Mott-Hubbard insulators
TJ Huffman, C Hendriks, EJ Walter, J Yoon, H Ju, R Smith, GL Carr, ...
Physical Review B 95 (7), 075125, 2017
Exploring the dynamics of superconductors by time-resolved far-infrared spectroscopy
GL Carr, R Lobo, J LaVeigne, DH Reitze, DB Tanner
Physical review letters 85 (14), 3001, 2000
THz near-field imaging of extreme subwavelength metal structures
X Chen, X Liu, X Guo, S Chen, H Hu, E Nikulina, X Ye, Z Yao, HA Bechtel, ...
ACS Photonics 7 (3), 687-694, 2020
Far-infrared properties of inhomogeneous materials
GL Carr, S Perkowitz, DB Tanner
Infrared and millimeter waves. 13, 171-263, 1985
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