Joan Esterle Chair of Vale-UQ Coal Geoscience Progam
Joan Esterle Chair of Vale-UQ Coal Geoscience Progam
School of Earth and Environmental Sciences, University of Queensland
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On the fundamental difference between coal rank and coal type
JMK O'Keefe, A Bechtel, K Christanis, S Dai, WA DiMichele, CF Eble, ...
International Journal of Coal Geology 118, 58-87, 2013
Stable isotope geochemistry of coal bed and shale gas and related production waters: A review
SD Golding, CJ Boreham, JS Esterle
International Journal of Coal Geology 120, 24-40, 2013
Stable isotope and water quality analysis of coal bed methane production waters and gases from the Bowen Basin, Australia
ECP Kinnon, SD Golding, CJ Boreham, KA Baublys, JS Esterle
International Journal of Coal Geology 82 (3-4), 219-231, 2010
An overview of the coal seam gas developments in Queensland
B Towler, M Firouzi, J Underschultz, W Rifkin, A Garnett, H Schultz, ...
Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering 31, 249-271, 2016
The geology, botany and chemistry of selected peat-forming environments from temperate and tropical latitudes
CC Cameron, JS Esterle, CA Palmer
International Journal of Coal Geology 12 (1-4), 105-156, 1989
Controls on coal cleat spacing
GKW Dawson, JS Esterle
International Journal of Coal Geology 82 (3-4), 213-218, 2010
Spatial variability in modern tropical peat deposits from Sarawak, Malaysia and Sumatra, Indonesia: analogues for coal
JS Esterle, JC Ferm
International Journal of Coal Geology 26 (1-2), 1-41, 1994
Stable isotopic and molecular composition of desorbed coal seam gases from the Walloon Subgroup, eastern Surat Basin, Australia
SK Hamilton, SD Golding, KA Baublys, JS Esterle
International journal of coal geology 122, 21-36, 2014
Use of FTIR, XPS, NMR to characterize oxidative effects of NaClO on coal molecular structures
Z Jing, S Rodrigues, E Strounina, M Li, B Wood, JR Underschultz, ...
International Journal of Coal Geology 201, 1-13, 2019
Microbial controls on the origin and evolution of coal seam gases and production waters of the Walloon Subgroup; Surat Basin, Australia
KA Baublys, SK Hamilton, SD Golding, S Vink, J Esterle
International Journal of Coal Geology 147, 85-104, 2015
Geological interpretation of gas content trends, Walloon subgroup, eastern Surat Basin, Queensland, Australia
SK Hamilton, JS Esterle, SD Golding
International Journal of Coal Geology 101, 21-35, 2012
Permo-Carboniferous paleogeography and coal accumulation and their tectonic control in the North and South China continental plates
G Liu
International Journal of Coal Geology 16 (1-3), 73-117, 1990
Peat-accumulating depositional systems of Sarawak, East Malaysia
JR Staub, JS Esterle
Sedimentary Geology 89 (1-2), 91-106, 1994
Occurrence of minerals within fractures and matrix of selected Bowen and Ruhr Basin coals
GKW Dawson, SD Golding, JS Esterle, P Massarotto
International Journal of Coal Geology 94, 150-166, 2012
Relationship between petrographic and chemical properties and coal seam geometry, Hance seam, Breathitt Formation, southeastern Kentucky
JS Esterle, JC Ferm
International Journal of Coal Geology 6 (3), 199-214, 1986
The effect of coal rank on biogenic methane potential and microbial composition
SJ Robbins, PN Evans, JS Esterle, SD Golding, GW Tyson
International Journal of Coal Geology 154, 205-212, 2016
A test for the analogy of tropical domed peat deposits to “dulling up” sequences in coal beds—preliminary results
JS Esterle, JC Ferm, T Yiu-Liong
Organic Geochemistry 14 (3), 333-342, 1989
An energy-based model for swing hammer mills
F Shi, T Kojovic, JS Esterle, D David
International Journal of Mineral Processing 71 (1-4), 147-166, 2003
Stratigraphic and depositional framework of the Walloon Subgroup, eastern Surat Basin, Queensland
SK Hamilton, JS Esterle, R Sliwa
Australian Journal of Earth Sciences 61 (8), 1061-1080, 2014
Coal characterisation by automated coal petrography☆
G O'Brien, B Jenkins, J Esterle, H Beath
Fuel 82 (9), 1067-1073, 2003
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